Friday, December 31, 2021
Pink Ice Ornaments
I spent this warm, lovely day outdoors, working in my gardens! The ground is so soft that I could actually plant the arbovidaes that adorned my front porch as Christmas trees all season long! After we spent some time with Mom, Danny and the boys, I am ringing in the New Year with Diamine's Pink Ice ink and a pink glass dip pen! The color is a lovely fruit punch shade, and the pink of the glass pen is hardly noticeable with the Christmas lights behind it! Hard to believe that it is almost 2022! Painting number 3268 in 3268 days.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Vintage Copper Trees
I love sketching the oaks at sunset in this Vintage Copper ink by Diamine! That oak in the background is a Live Oak, that my grandma babied as a young tree. I can remember her telling us all to stay off that tree, as she nurtured it into adulthood. Just this season I can see how those lower branches are spreading out from the central trunk. What a lovely tree that will become over the years. This ink is from the Diamine Inkvent Calendar, Vintage Copper, and has a lovely coppery hue and rich shimmer, too! The color is less red and more copper in better light - it is so hard to get a true color pic at sunset! Painting number 3267 in 3267 days.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Thunderbolt Creek
I love the rich violet blue of Diamine's Thunderbolt ink! It is free flowing with the addition of water, washing out to a pinkish hue in the sky a bit. I sketched the whole drawing with only one dip in the ink, and that pen left a nice line. It is another of my new glass dip pens. Last month, I was frustrated when I could not locate my other lovely dip pens - only the older, lesser ones were found. Since I was preparing for my exciting Inkvent Calendar, this was unacceptable! SO, I ordered nine new ones with different shapes and nibs, to both experiment with them AND ensure I wouldn't run out, lol! I'm sure I put my other ones somewhere safe during my lockdown time of organizing everything! It's so fun to try these new inks during the holidays - even if I didn't have time each day to get to them! Painting number 3266 in 3266 days.
Diamine's Inkvent Calendar,
Diamine's Thunderbolt ink,
missouri artist,
pen and ink,
tammie dickerson,
Monday, December 27, 2021
Night Shade Tree
This newest ink by Diamine is called Night Shade, and is a lovely choice for nocturne painting. It has a wonderful dark blue color that bleeds into a more turquoise shade with water. I'm using another new glass dip pen which compliments the ink. The nib was a little scratchy on my handmade paper, so I think I will sand it a little to smooth that ink flow off the nib. I love this Inkvent Calendar - so fun to explore a different color each day! Painting number 3265 in 3265 days.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Red Robin Cardinal
With this new pale pink glass dip pen, I sketch out the little bird in front of me. I filled the feeders this morning and it did not take them long to return! I like the ink flow this pen has. Besides it's lovely, spiral shape, the nib holds a lot of ink. I did all the line work with 2 dips in my newest ink to try - Diamine's Red Robin! It is a rich, coppery red, which builds up to really get dark where heavily applied. With water, it washes out warm and orangy. This nib is very fine, and the ink flows right to the tip when held at a slant. Love the little gifts of the Diamine Inkvent Calendar! Painting number 3264 in 3264 days.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Christmas Magic at Union Station
I have longed to paint this large for my own wall all month long. The first two oil paintings were painted in the daylight hours - and both sold. As we came back from dinner at Crown Center, we walked through this majestic hall at night. WOW, was this place breath-taking! In all these years, I've never been down there after dark, and I did not know what I was missing! So, for this large substrate, I had to capture that nocturne beauty. I have chosen a different vantage, one that I looked at the very first time I painted here, and started with all the line work. I see a few adjustments needed, and a bit of work left to do, but I ran out of time and wanted it on the wall for today's Christmas celebration! After a day fun of family, food and fun, I will let this painting rest until tomorrow, and probably add more paint while it hangs on the wall - lol. I may just leave this one up long after the holidays are over. This place brings back happy family memories, and time spent with my dad on a bench, enjoying the beauty of this place. Painting number 3263 in 3263 days.
Christmas tree,
historic building,
Kansas City,
missouri artist,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
train station,
Union Station
Friday, December 24, 2021
Shiny Ornaments
We have a new family tradition since Mom has moved to town - she hosts Christmas Eve! On this night, we all share our gift with her, and she with us. The halls are decked and table set with h'orderves, and the grandchildren playing with the pull toys my brother and I shared. It is a lovely night to celebrate the season with our closest family, and treasure our time together. Who would have guessed it would nearly be 70 degrees tonight in Missouri? Painting number 3262 in 3262 days.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Santa Inked
Looks like Santa is bringing me a fountain pen - lol! As much as I love trying new inks, I also love getting back to my favorite Raven Black ink in a favorite, reliable TWSBI Eco fountain pen. After using glass dip pens most of the month, I really love having ink flow smoothly from the nib - with no dipping! It is very relaxing to settle in with pen and paper, and create. Its like an art meditation in the midst of Christmas craziness. So much fun! Painting number 3261 in 3261 days.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Santa Portrait Inked
Diamine's Black Ivy ink is behind today's door on my Inkvent Calendar - and bleeds a lovely green and blue when wet. The line work is pretty dark, and I expected it to be blacker, which would be lovely for a vintage Santa face. This color would be very nice for a grove of cedars, though, and perhaps I should let down a heavy patch to see what it can do. My husband has been off this week - and I am not getting nearly as much done in any day. I sure hope I can finish a few more things before Christmas - time is growing short! Painting number 3260 in 3260 days.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Stargazer Creek
This lovely bend in the creek that feeds Cleveland Lake is right off the main walk. Easily accessible, it's a great spot for a quick pen and ink drawing. I'm using a new ink from Diamine's Inkvent Calendar - Stargazer, a rich, warm blue when wet. It is very dark in the line, but a light brush of water releases the extra chroma. I can see how wonderful this could be for a snow covered nocturne, with the night sky inked heavily this shade of blue. I've been very busy getting paintings finished and shipped out. I'm hoping to get one done for myself, too - if the stars align! I'm currently behind on my ink doors, but I plan to catch up over Christmas break. Things are bound to slow down! Painting number 3259 in 3259 days.
Cleveland Lake and Trail,
Diamine's Inkvent Calendar,
missouri artist,
pen and ink,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
Monday, December 20, 2021
Ornament Impressions
I do love getting loose and impressionistic with these shiny vintage ornaments! Using my acrylics in a dry brush manner, I can layer in the values and colors. The heavy body acrylics dry quickly, so different from my oils. I rarely pull out my acrylics these days, but doing so puts all kinds of ideas in my head! How fun would it be to paint this large and hang out over a sofa? I know the perfect spot - if I can find the time to get it done before Christmas! Painting number 3258 in 3258 days.
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Party Time Ornament
My latest Inkvent Calendar door opened revealed my newest ink gift - Party Time. This luscious pink ink is vibrant, so I chose to draw an ornament with it, and fill it in with a brush and water. Lovely and bright, this seemed the perfect ink for this day of celebration. Our youngest graduated yesterday and we had a family celebration today. Life is sweet, and these special moments mean the world. So happy we could spend this day together! Painting number 3257 in 3257 days.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
I really love painting animals, especially beloved pets. This darling is a commission painting, with beautiful markings, and has been a joy to paint! In the business of the season, it sure is nice to spend a little time with the paint and create something truly meaningful for a family. This is the very best part of this artist life. Painting number 3256 in 3256 days. So happy I can share this painting as we drive back from Michael's graduation from college, Cum Laude, at Missouri S & T. What a busy wonderful day of celebration and moving him home!
Friday, December 17, 2021
Storm Nutcracker
It is so fun to open a new door on my Inkvent Calendar! This Diamine ink is Storm, and is a wonderful deep blue that bleeds out to a turquoise with water. I chose my new blue glass dip pen for this drawing and the nib is a little scratchy on this handmade paper. I think I'll lightly sand it before the next time I use it, see if it helps the flow a little. I think this ink would be lovely in a winter landscape, perhaps when the snow is falling! Tomorrow, our baby graduates college, and we'll be moving him home! I can't wait to have him home again as he starts his new career at Burns and McDonnell. He's going to be a brilliant electrical engineer. Painting number 3255 in 3255 days.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Vintage Ornaments
I'm always thankful to finish that last Christmas card! Merry and bright is my theme this year, so I've been painting the vintage ornaments I picked up weeks ago, in various compositions. It takes quite a while by the time I paint each one, attach to cards, then handwrite a personal note or memory. It's taken me a few years to get back in the groove, losing my dad was so very hard. I realize more than ever how fragile life is, and how thankful I am for every chance to tell my loved ones what then mean to me. Painting number 3254 in 3254 days.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
O Christmas Trees
It is magical to stand in a place like this, surrounded by Christmas trees and ornaments, and paint. The beauty of the place seeps into the painting, as soft Christmas music wafts in the air. It's the little things that make life worth living, and this place is a joy to paint. I couldn't leave without buying a few of the ornaments adorning those trees! Painting number 3253 in 3253 days.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Union Station Magic
I love to use ink and watercolor for pre-sketching my composition. In fact, ink alone is my "go to", but I often take it further, adding color. I have a hard time deciding which media to use here, so I end up bringing ink, watercolor and oils! It's silly, because it is a long haul to the car, so I carry it all in a heavy bag over my shoulder! But what's an artist to do? Once I had finished with the ink and watercolor, I did not go on to paint an oil here. Happy with this painting, there was no need to express it again. So, I walked to the adjacent corner for the quick paint using oil. I again used the portrait format with tree and window, only with a different vantage. I do like that I could see the historic clock here. Five generations of my family have walked these halls, and surely checked the time on that clock. I love that I'm now painting here, in this timeless place. Painting number 3252 in 3252 days.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Family Christmas Trees
I simply LOVE painting Christmas! Family Tree Nursery is so welcoming to us artists, allowing us to come set up and paint their Christmas magic. Surrounded by all things Christmas, I positioned myself with a view of the fireplace, nestled in the decorated trees. It was so nice to visit with shoppers and the friendly staff while I painted. It really feels like Christmas when I'm immersed in a place like this, with my paints. I really love painting during the holidays! Painting number 3251 in 3251 days.
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Christmas at Union Station
I've got that Christmas feeling as I paint at Union Station in ink and watercolor! I love sketching all the lines and arches of this beautiful old train station. With so much detail, it can be challenging to keep track of where I am in my drawing. I will make a few tack marks at doorway edges and corners, just to keep me lined up as I work. Once I've got the basics in, I start with the watercolor, remembering to squint to see the values. My eyes can get lost in the magic of it all! When I see people in postures that I like - I sketch them in quickly, before they move on. I love to see all the families coming to see this tree, and take photos. It's a wonderful Kansas City tradition! Love this nostalgic place! Painting number 3250 in 3250 days.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Union Station Tradition
I'm so happy the Kansas City Parks have joined with Union Station to organize these holiday quick paints! There is nothing as iconic as the giant Christmas Tree inside of Union Station, and what a joy to paint it! The place was very crowded with families taking photos by the tree, and so many wonderful people stopped by to chat while I worked. One young girl was especially interested in what I was doing, and came back as I was framing this one up for entry. She loved it so much, her parents bought it for her, and she will always remember this night. Maybe this experience will inspire her to take up a brush and paint herself, and capture the beauty she sees in the world. Painting number 3249 in 3249 days.
Friday, December 10, 2021
I love exploring a new ink each day! I've had trouble finding my glass dip pens, only finding a couple. One was quite small the other had the fine tip broken off. So, I ordered a few more, nine in fact! Each day I plan to choose a pen that compliments the newest ink, so Christmas really has come early this year! The rich velvety plum color moves freely with water, and bleeds into beautiful hues. This is a lovely ink! Painting number 3248 in 3248 days.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Christmas Balls
Tonight finds me hard at work on Christmas Card Art! The days have been so nice that I've spent the daylight hours on outdoor projects - leaving the wee hours for painting! I picked up these vintage ornaments when holiday shopping with my mom, for the purpose of painting them. I like to hand make my cards, so they take a bit of time, and then I like to write individual notes in each one - which takes even more time. My goal for tonight was 10 cards finished and stamped - and I've gotten through 12 - so that's a win! Nothing makes me work harder than a challenge, even with myself, lol! Painting number 3247 in 3247 days.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Winter Spice
I love experimenting with the inks of Diamine's Inkvent calendar! I was SO JEALOUS in 2019 when I learned there was such a thing - only to find it was sold out before I could order one. So imagine how wonderful it is to open a little door to a new ink adventure, each day this month!! I must admit, I am getting a little derailed from my schedule, lured away from my work by the sweet temptations. Creativity does feed the soul, and I love pushing the limits of each ink. I really love the pinks that emerge with a little water on this one, and the rich brown color. Maybe I'll start using a brush to lay that ink on heavy, too. So many options, so little time. Painting number 3246 in 3246 days.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
So fun to paint the poinsettias at Crown Center for the Urban Sketchers KC sketch walk! The small one is an ornament for the artist exchange, the blanks with ribbon were ready to pick up and paint when I checked in. We all check in, paint two hours, then meet up and share our work. This time we shared more - any artist creating ornaments got to exchange them with another ornament! Love getting to paint with artist friends with the whole place decked out for the holidays! Painting number 3245 in 3245 days.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Union Station Christmas
Union Station is buzzing for the holidays! Family and friends gather around the tree to celebrate the season, dining, shopping or staying for a show, and today I paint the magic. Meeting the Monday Watercolorists, we each pick our location and get to work, painting for two hours before meeting for lunch at Harvey's (which is where I stood to paint this). I fully expected to paint two paintings here, but simply spent too much time on this one capturing the whole scene! Again, I really need to paint this large for my own home! What a lovely memory to hang in the wall for the holidays! Painting number 3244 in 3244 days.
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Union Station Christmas Tree
Arriving early for check in, I decided to paint this in ink and watercolor while I waited. I intended to next paint it in oil, but instead went into the other room to paint. Perhaps I will do this in oils this week - I'm heading up there two more times before Christmas! I'd love to paint this large for my own home during the holiday season! Painting number 3243 in 3243 days.
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Crown Center Wreath
It is so fun to paint the Mayor's Christmas Tree as seen through the giant wreath at Crown Center! Kansas City is magical during the holidays, and today is our monthly Urban Sketchers KC sketch venue. We gather afterward to share our work, and the tiny painting is actually an ornament to exchange with other artists. There were several blanks available that we could paint to share, so I painted three, along with two larger works. There is something to be said for daily practice, my speed on site increases with time! This place is a yearly favorite for the holidays, but this is the first time I've painted from the third floor! Wonderful view from the top! Painting number 3242 in 3242 days.
Friday, December 3, 2021
Union Station Holiday
Union Station is a magical place for the holidays - and there is nothing like capturing the magic with paint! Tonight, Kansas City Parks and Rec sponsored a Holiday Quick Paint inside Union Station, and the halls were decked! I love painting in this historic train station, it really is a gem in Kansas City. I used oils for this interior, after sketching another in ink and watercolor. I rarely do interiors, but I sure do enjoy them! It was so fun gathering with artist friends and Mom joined in the fun, too. Painting number 3241 in 3241 days.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Holiday Balls
I'm so honored to have this painting chosen by the Buttonwood Financial Group for their company Christmas card this year! I collect vintage glass balls just for painting during the holidays. I keep them in a glass bowl for added holiday flair, and easy access for impromptu paintings. I really like the festive colors and cheer they represent - so perfect for celebrating the season. In fact, I've been working on a few in the same vein for my own Christmas cards this year! Painting number 3240 in 3240 days.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Seize the Night Ornaments
I'm so excited to open the first ink of Diamine's Inkvent calendar!! "Seize the Night" is a rich velvety violet that moves a bit with water! I have not yet marked on wet paper, but I see blue separating from the violet in the more saturated masses. I have wanted this calendar ever since the first year's one sold out - before I found out about it. I think tomorrow I'll try dropping a drop of this ink on wet paper, allowing it to bleed out, just to see what kind of magic happens. There is so much more that can be done with ink than writing. Painting number 3239 in 3239 days.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Christmas Tree in Metal
I do love the magic of a Christmas tree! After trimming the tree, it is a treat to enjoy some time basking in the glow of it's light. Tonight I choose metal to work up the image of this tree, first sketching and then embossing with various tools. I'm finding my way again, learning which tools work best. I'm looking forward to exploring all the possibilities. Painting number 3238 in 3238 days.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Santa Nutcracker in Metal
After an almost 3 year absence, I return to metal work tonight with this Santa Nutcracker! I had only started finding my own way with the medium when my dad became sick, and real life intervened. It has lately been on my mind, the feel of the metal and the burnishing tools, even images I would love to try in the medium, and so I have answered the call. Art is like this for me, reaching out, calling, whispering, images unfolding in my mind as if I'm actually working them, and I feel restless until I get to them. It is as if they are living things, waiting to be nurtured into life. I borrowed a nutcracker from my son's dresser and went to work, first scratching in the composition, then pushing and pulling the metal from both sides until the image emerges. It is so very satisfying to work the metal again - I wish I didn't need to sleep so I could work on through the night! Artwork number 3237 in 3237 days.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Ornaments Five
I returned to Blogger to upload my latest post, only to find that yet again, my previous post did not upload. So, now I'm going to try to play "catch up" when I have several recent posts still to catch up on. If only high speed internet would arrive, one way or the other, it is nearly 2022. Now, on to the happy stuff - painting! I just picked these vintage ornaments up at a local antique shop, for the sole purpose of painting them! I have many fancy blown glass ornaments for the tree, but nothing reflects like the simply round, shiny balls! So I sketch with ink, then lay down some wet paint, dropping in more color as it dries a little. I work almost entirely wet on wet, so I must work fast! It's another late night at the easel because I can't resist working outside when it's in the 60s in NOVEMBER! All the bulbs are in now as well as poppy, sweet William and hollyhock seeds planted. The more beautiful days I have, the more I get done in the garden! Painting number 3237 in 3237 days.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Glass Balls
It must by Christmas time if I'm painting ornaments! I picked up some antique glass balls at a local antique shop while attending a holiday open house, because I LOVE to paint them! I'm painting on gallery wrapped canvas, so I'm using acrylics and a dry brush technique. In reorganizing my supplies I found several of these canvasses, and they are perfect for this subject. I got my tree up today, and attended Christmas on Main with my Mom and sorority sisters, and so the Christmas magic is strong tonight! It will be a few more days before everything is decorated, and I'm so thankful for the wonderful weather! Painting number 3236 in 3236 days.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Pumpkin Impressions
Oh what a busy day it has been! Almost all the family was out for dinner, and we had so much food! Mike was baking while I cooked the turkey with all the trimmings and several salads, too. By dinner time, I am always too tired to eat - I'd rather sit down and catch my breath, and visit! It's always fun to catch up with each other. Now that family has left, the kitchen is clean (finally), it is time for the last pumpkin painting of the season. I love celebrating every season, for it will be another 10 months before I see pumpkins to paint again. Painting number 3234 in 3234 days.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Bountiful Batik
Tonight finds me painting the fruits of harvest, after a productive day prepping for dinner here tomorrow. This watercolor batik of free flowing and a bit whimsical, as I sketched the pumpkins, squash and leaves as night descended. Love working the layers of hot wax and watercolor, to reveal the beauty beneath at the end. Painting number 3233 in 3233 days.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Pumpkins Nocturne Batik
Another gorgeous day spent working outdoors in the gardens - which means I am painting in the dark again! I've only got a couple of days to paint pumpkins, and then it will be onward to all things Christmas. I love the watercolor batik process, it adds so much depth to simple subjects. I'm looking forward to exploring this technique more in the coming months - when I'm not called outside to the creeks, meadows and woods! Painting number 3231 in 3231 days.
Monday, November 22, 2021
I got these fabulous chrysanthemums from Suburban Lawn and Garden nearly a month ago - and they are still spectacular! The very large flowers are bold and bright - lighting up my kitchen table! I'm painting in miniature tonight, because once again I have worked myself into the late hours. I had just boxed my last commission up when I sold another painting and got another commission! I hadn't even made it to the UPS store - lol! It's a good problem to have and I do like to keep on top of things. So, that leaves only a little painting window, and I'm using ink and watercolor on handmade paper, and trying to capture those vivid hues. I hope these sunny blooms last long into winter - and I can try them in oils! Painting number 3230 in 3230 days.
fountain pen,
missouri artist,
Suburban Lawn and Garden,
tammie dickerson,
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Pumpkins Four Batik
It's funny how techniques and paintings will run throug my mind, unfolding as I mentally paint them. Many times, I am even painting in my dreams, so real that I feel like I've already finished my daily paint when I awake. I sketch in ink and add the first watercolor layer before reaching for the hot wax. Long winter days are perfect for this technique, but I can squeeze them in between all of our family activities as Thanksgiving approaches. The days seem busier than ever and I'm looking forward to some down time with the family this week! Painting number 3228 in 3228 days.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Pumpkin Batik
I've been thinking about this medium lately, with paintings forming and rattling around in my head. I like to sketch out my subject first with archival or India ink on very thin rice paper. The paper is so thin, one can almost see through it. I clip it to a wax paper covered piece of foam core, then paint the first layer of watercolor. After that layer, I go in with hot wax, essentially covering what I don't want to receive more paint. After several layers, I wax the whole thing, cracking it all up when cool, then floating a darker wash of paint into those cracks. When I get the desired look, I iron all that wax off between layers of brown paper, working carefully because the rice paper is fragile. The media is unpredictable and so fun! I can coax it where I want it to go, but it still has a mind of it's own! Painting number 3227 in 3227 days.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Home for Christmas
Last year was the first time we put Christmas lights on this Alberta spruce, and our family celebrated "Outdoor Christmas" in honor of covid. We lined the covered bar with crock pots full of food and had a campfire and a stove fire going for warmth. With ink and watercolor I sketch out the scene, choosing a winter snow instead of autumn color. I might just paint this scene for my Christmas cards this year! Painting number 3226 in 3226 days.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
For this month's Tri-County Art League meeting, we gathered together to create original Christmas cards to exchange at our holiday dinner next month. We made extra cards to mail to those members that do not join us regularly. It has been several months since I have been able to attend - my plein air schedule keeps me hopping! I bought some antique ornaments today while in Greenwood with my Mom and sorority, and I intend to paint them for Chri. stmas! Painting number 3225 in 3225 days
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Golden Pond
I forget that the sun lifts out of here earlier than on the hill - and I didn't quite leave enough time to finish in the light. I've been pruning trees near here this afternoon, and this place was calling my name. Ready for a break - I grabbed my oils to get in a quick paint before planting more bulbs. I love the vibrant yellows in that last light - I wish the leaves would stay golden for a month! Painting number 3224 in 3224 days. I wish every November could be in the 70's!!
Monday, November 15, 2021
Daffodil Bulbs
Real life has crowded my painting time, and I've been coming to my easel late each night - as I did in the very beginning of this daily painting journey. I see things all day long that I want to paint - as I'm busy tending the gardens while the weather is so nice. I keep thinking that I finish before dark, and then I can squeeze in a painting by the pond, or in the woods, and each day I don't! I filled this day with running club first, shipping paintings, working beds and planting daffodils and tulips, then pulling down old string lights and replacing them with new ones. After all that, every scene I wanted to paint was in the dark, so I sketched a few of my remaining double daffodil bulbs in pen and ink. What better representation of my day? It always feels good to return to my ink - even if it's only a tiny painting! Painting number 3223 in 3223 days.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Pumpkin Nocturne
I've spent the day working on commissions and wrapping paintings to ship in the morning. Only now can I come to my easel for my daily paint, and I really wanted to get outside. So, in the cool, crisp air I paint the body of one pumpkin with the stem of another, using my artistic license as needed. It really feels like autumn when I am painting pumpkins. It seems that Christmas comes to soon, so I am celebrating this season by immersing myself in it, and painting the little things I enjoy. I hope I can find the time to paint the autumn foliage before the leaves all fall. Painting number 3222 in 3222 days.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Glass Pumpkin
I love blown glass, and I have collected a few of these gorgeous pumpkins through the years. Tonight, I come to my easel late, after an autumn evening spent by the bonfire with hot spiced cider and family, roasting marshmallows for s'mores, and enjoying Tuscan pumpkin soup and pumpkin crunch dessert. An impromptu gathering, it was fun to unwind by the fire and visit. A little ink and watercolor on a miniature handmade paper is the perfect way to end the day. What better way to spend an autumn night? Painting number 3221 in 3221 days.
Friday, November 12, 2021
1665 Lake Shore Drive
Peaceful Valley Lake was a wonderful place to paint for a day during the Gasconade County Paint Out! Nestled in a shady pocket under a low tree, I perched up the hill a little to gain this perspective on this house. Autumn color was just rising, and it was fun to let the watercolors mingle on the wet surface of the foliage masses. I love exploring fall with ink and watercolor! Painting number 3220 in 3220 days.
Gasconade County,
Gasconade County Paint Out,
missouri artist,
Peaceful Valley Lake,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Afternoon at Sunset Beach
Every painting has a story, and there is certainly a unique view behind this painting! When I was first scouting the beach, I zoned in on this area, looking at the masses. As I set up my easel, I realized there was something unidentified among the rocks, almost still, but moving slightly. As I walked closer for a better view, there was a man, holding a plank on the beach, in a speedo, facing away from me. No wonder I had trouble identifying those round shapes among all that tan skin. Haha! I bet he wondered what in the world I was up to, as I painted, looking directly in his direction! Just another plein air adventure! Painting number 3218 in 3218 days.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Two Pumpkins
I love these warm November days in the 70s!! I spent every possible minute working outdoors in my garden, replanting a few things, picking all the green tomatoes, and cleaning up beds. I saved a few minutes for a quick sketch of these pumpkins, and the autumn color coming up in the woods is calling my name. Perhaps it won't rain all day tomorrow! Painting number 3217 in 3217 days.
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