Sunday, December 12, 2021

Christmas at Union Station

I've got that Christmas feeling as I paint at Union Station in ink and watercolor!  I love sketching all the lines and arches of this beautiful old train station.  With so much detail, it can be challenging to keep track of where I am in my drawing.  I will make a few tack marks at doorway edges and corners, just to keep me lined up as I work.  Once I've got the basics in, I start with the watercolor, remembering to squint to see the values.  My eyes can get lost in the magic of it all!  When I see people in postures that I like - I sketch them in quickly, before they move on.  I love to see all the families coming to see this tree, and take photos.  It's a wonderful Kansas City tradition! Love this nostalgic place!  Painting number 3250 in 3250 days. 


  1. Hi! I did! I'm not sure if I'll get another chance to paint down there before Christmas. I do plan to offer two of those paintings for prints since the originals have sold. I'm so busy I haven't had a chance to do that yet! Message me with more info, though. I'm interested in learning more.
