Sunday, June 30, 2024

Old Red Tractor

How could I resist painting a beautiful old tractor, sitting in the sun?  I love the red color against those greens of summer, and oils were the perfect medium to define those masses.  It was a hot one, so I stood a distance away - in the shade!  Painting number 5088 in 5088 days. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Allium Batik

Sometimes, it is super fun to switch up mediums completely.  After so many days of ink and watercolor, I find myself playing with ink, hot wax, and watercolor on rice paper!  Always fun and unpredictable, each watercolor batik is unique. Paint, hot wax and ink flow and resist almost at random, and the translucent paint is full of energy. Perhaps, I'll explore more of my garden blooms with this reckless abandon!  Painting number 5087 in 5087 days. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Downtown Weston


Weston is dull of vintage charm - and so much fun to visit for a weekend!  Mom joined me for the fun and we dined and shopped between my paintings!  I have several favorite places to hit while here, and I needed another day at least. Painting number 5086 in 5086 days.  This painting is now showing at Weston Coffee Roastery! 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Corner of Main and Market

 This vintage Phillips 66 Station is iconic to Weston, and known as Stanley's Station.  With ink, I sketched out this scene from the side of a building, underneath the awning.  As I sketched, suddenly a stream of water flowed down from above - and luckily went over me and my painting!  Knowing that could quickly change, I moved out to an open spot to continue (as I talked history with a long time resident).  The water followed all around the building as I realized the resident on the second floor was watering her plants on the balcony!  One never knows what to expect when painting outdoors!  Now Showing at the Weston Coffee Roastery on Main.  Painting number 5085 in 5085 days. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beverlin's Statuary

 I love finding these beautiful slices of Americana across the Midwest, and Weston is full of them!  Spending a couple of days here painting and shopping with Mom, I just couldn't resist this lovely street front.  What a treat to paint this special place before enjoying all the town has to offer!  Now Showing at Weston Coffee Roastery and is my 5084th painting in 5084 days. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



The tall garden phlox are beginning to bloom - and the lawn smells heavenly!  On this VERY busy day, I only have enough time to paint a miniature atc sized painting, and of course this garden was calling to me!  With grandkids blowing bubbles, I quickly captured this beauty in between the fun.  I love the vibrant color and fragrance so much!  Painting number 5083 in 5083 days. 

#artistlife #pleinairpainting #gardenphlox #gardeninspiration #mygardenlife #floralpainting #ATC

Monday, June 24, 2024

865 Ashley



I love getting to paint historic homes full of vintage charm in Weston!  While shopping at one of my favorite boutiques, Missouri Bluffs, the lovely lady ringing me out mentioned that she requested her house to be painted last year, but all there was done on site was a painting of her outhouse.  I asked for her address and popped by to see this antebellum gem!  Finding shade to paint from put me on the side of this home, and this composition was irresistible.  I finished too late to stop back by the shop, but left a message and delivered it to the coffee shop before leaving town.  This painting is number 5082 in 5082 days.  Now Showing at the Weston Coffee Roastery on Main! 😍🎨

#westonmo #pleinairpainting #inkandwatercolor #historichome #antebellumhome #westonpleinair

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Walking Down Main

 I found a reasonably cool place to paint under the covered porch of the museum in Weston.  With heat indexes passing 100, this afternoon was no time to paint in the sun.  Looking down Main Street from on top of the hill offered many good compositions.  I chose the most dramatic drop in elevation to accentuate the dipping rooftops leading to the historic businesses.  It was fun to talk to visitors walking by as I worked, and Mom kept me company on the bench when the wind pushed me closer to the building for shelter.  I had to fight for this painting today!  This is now showing at Weston Coffee Roastery on Main. Painting number 5080 in 5080 days. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Coal House

What fun to paint near the historic Coal House in Weston today! I saw this place as I was leaving town the last time I was here, and have wanted to paint it ever since!  The afternoon light was perfect for today's paint.  Mom is with me and we've lunched at the Avalon, shopped the lower end of Main Street, and bar hopped tonight to three different places with live music before ending with a wonderful jazz band at the Saint George Hotel.  Tomorrow I'll paint a few more start scenes to turn in to the Weston Coffee Roastery for this weekend's plein air event. Painting number 5079 in 5079 days. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Take me to the Lake


It's so fun to find places like this to paint right off the Meramec River!  Mound Ridge had several very appealing groupings of kayaks and boats, and I had trouble deciding which to focus on!  Going with the most colorful, these drew me in for my demo.  It's been great fun to teach high school students acrylic in the field, especially at such an inspiring place. Now Showing at Gallery Zeke in Steelville  😍🎨

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Stonehaus Farms Vineyard


It was super fun to explore this local winery with paint!  I hadn't been here before, so that made the day extra special.  A wine tasting after painting led to a lovely glass of wine to share with artist friends. Every paint out should end this way!  This painting is number 5077 in 5077 days and is now showing at the Lee's Summit City Hall.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Spring Bridge


Maremec Spring Park is one of my favorite places to paint, and it was fun to spend time here with local high school students during their plein air weekend!  All of the students and mentors were treated admission to the Folksy Fish Festival, and we sketched among the bands dotting through the park.  It was a great day spent teaching and having fun in a beautiful setting along the spring. Painting number 5076 in 5076 days. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Lange General Store


I love finding slices of Americana to paint throughout the Midwest!  Steelville has been going through a transformation in recent years, and I LOVE the vintage charm being resurrected in these historic buildings on Main Street.  It was so fun to paint this building while waiting for judging to roll around.  Painting number 5075 in 5075 days. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hoppe Springs


I lose all track of time when painting by a spring, especially when the water is rushing by at my feet  I stood on the small footbridge crossing this spring, wanting to keep an eye out for the copperhead I just saw dissappear into a crack between rocks. As the minutes rolled by, I forgot about him altogether, so mesmerized I was by the water.  There is something so healing about a spring, so soothing to the soul.  This spring is an amazing painting companion with it's magical sounds, and I think I'll be returning each time I'm in town. Painting number 5071 in 5071 days. It looks like I've got a bit of catching up to do on my blog, a few entries didn't post again.  If only every place had a good cell connection in the Midwest. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Nestled in the Woods

This rainy day painting started as one of my acrylic demonstrations with the High School Plein Air sponsored by the Steelville Arts Council last weekend.  I mentored 20 students over three days in 5 different paint-outs.  It was such a super fun weekend filled with very talented young artists, and I hope that I have impacted their art journey in some small way.  I would have loved an opportunity like this at their age.  This painting is now showing at Gallery Zeke in Steelville, Missouri through mid-July.  Come take a peak in person.  Painting number 5068 in 5068 days. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Steelville Presbyterian Church

How dramatically the light can shift in just a couple hours!  What was illuminated at the start fell to shadow by the time I finished.  This painting will be a lasting memory for my Steelville host family as she retires from pastoring here, to move closer to family.  Steelville is such a wonderful place to visit, and I do love painting here. Painting number 5067 in 5067 days. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Hope at the Farm


It was another beautiful day for painting at the Kick'n K farm!  I found the shade of an old oak tree to stand in, and sketched this painting out first in ink. Once all was in place, I started applying the watercolor.  The horses walked in and out of my composition, abs I painted them in when I could.  This painting now Showing at Gallery Zeke, come see all the wet paintings tomorrow from 10 to 2. Painting number 5065 in 5065 days. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Drag Race Road


This is the first time I've been down this road, and I find a fun slice of Americana to paint in Steelville! What drew me to this street was 3 brightly painted old houses right beside this.  Planning to paint all three on the street, I decided instead to paint the bright colors of this cool place.  Painted on my Dad's birthday, he would have loved this place.  Now Showing at Gallery Zeke until Saturday! Painting number 5064 in 5064 days. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Big Bend Rural School


It was so peaceful by Hoppe spring, sketching the one room schoolhouse in pen and ink.  Cool, refreshing air wafted in from the spring as I started this. I didn't decide until half way through to leave it in ink alone.  I like the timeless mood of pen and ink on handmade paper. It feels a bit like stepping back in time for a little while. Painting number 5063 in 5063 days. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Morning at Maramec Spring


What a treat to paint at one of my favorite places today - Maremec Spring Park!  The water is stunning and the light was soft this morning, setting the stage for a moody painting at the waterfall.  Painting to the sound of the water is sheer joy, as the painting emerges from the panel.  This one is now showing at GalleryZeke!  

Monday, June 3, 2024

Afternoon at the Cabin


It was a lovely morning for painting a log cabin in the woods, and I just couldn't resist painting the morning light.  I had to keep moving closer to my subject to stay in the shade of the outermost walnut tree.  The sun was in and out today, so I marked that light early to be sure I'd have it.  I do so love these rural Missouri homesteads. This painting now Showing at Gallery Zeke in Steelville, and is my 5061st painting in 5061 days. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Afternoon at the Barn


I love painting the vintage barns of the Missouri heartland - even when I'm short on time!  With only enough time to enter two paintouts briefly for the Summit Art Plein Air, I arrived here on my way out of town for a 30 minute quick paint.  It was like sprinting in a race to get this painted, framed and turned in - but it was also my little slice of sanity on a crazy day.  I always feel better when my daily painting is done. Painting number 5060 in 5060 days. I've had no coverage these last 5 days, so none of my photos would load to a post.  One would think the days of no service areas were minimal, but they've only grown worse in the last year.