Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Butterflies and Black-eyed Susans

Black-eyed Susans and butterflies are on my easel today, after a few hours of early gardening.  We're under a heat advisory through Thursday, and our air conditioner went out overnight. I do love the heat, so I spent the first hours working outside in my gardens.  This is in the flower bed by the air conditioner, which I spent a lot of time yesterday bringing back to order.  Intuition, maybe?  These beauties are only getting started here, a gift from my youngest son, Michael.  How could I resist painting them when it is cooler outside than in?  Painting number 5117 in 5117 days. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Wild Sunflower Dance


Oh those cheerful sunflowers! I wait all year to paint their sunny yellow faces!  The explosion of wild sunflowers is such a cool thing to paint, and every day is different!  I have one of these natives that is 10 feet tall already - and the blooms are only starting to pop.  With my busy schedule, I am taking every opportunity to get a little sunflower paint time in before they fade for another year. Painting number 5116 in 5116 days. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

At Hoffmann Farms


Today finds me painting an amazing farm that I was lucky enough to get to tour.  With intentions to paint the compositions floating in my mind since the tour in May, I am only now squeezing them in.  With SO MANY beautiful images, I can only chip away at them one at a time. Another is already in the wings, waiting to be committed to paper.   LOVE this plein air life, and can't wait to return to this special place!  Painting number 5115 in 5115 days. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunflower Song


It's sunflower time again - and I can't resist painting these sunny blooms!  Each year, I look forward to these, and I actually missed getting one painted that blew down in a storm.  I have more coming on, and I hope they last for months - or at least until I can get a few paintings in!  Painting number 5114 in 5114 days. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Irishman Covered Bridge

Whenever I'm in Terre Haute, I go in search of a covered bridge to paint!  I think Parke County has the absolute best maintained covered bridges, making them perfect to paint.  The Irishman spans the water between a campground and frontier village in Fowler Park.  While Mom naps at our room, I got this one painted in ink and watercolor, and was back before dinner!  What a lovely paint break in this busy travel day!  Painting number 5113 in 5113 days. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cottage Swing


I love the story this swing tells, and this small momento of a special place was left for our host in Lakeside. Pat and Robert have been lovely to stay with these last three years in Lakeside, but it looks like they may be selling their sweet cottage before we return next year.  A giant tree always greets us, with this beautiful old swing hanging from it's very large branches. Painting number 5112 in 5112 days. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lakeside Wooden Boat Show


I just pulled this out of my bag from the Lakeside Wooden Boat Show! I had to pack quickly from the morning paintout get to the Wet Paint Sale, and I didn't get it framed or posted.  Most of my paintings sold - and now there is one more to choose from.  The wooden boats were set up on the lawn of Hotel Lakeside, with the fountain to set them off.  As I was painting, the amphibian cars took off for a turn in Lake Erie - and I rushed this into my bag to be forgotten. Painting number 5111 in 5111 days. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Lakeside Beach



This is my first Lakeside Beach painting of the plein air event - but it certainly wasn't my last!  I LOVE when a painting connects to so many!  Sitting on a bench, this view grabbed me right away.  It was the same bench my Mom and I had sat on to watch the sunset after dinner the night before.  I had already studied the scene - wishing I had enough time to paint before - so it was a natural choice this morning.  With ink and watercolor I captured the scene, and another artist joined me to visit before I finished.  It was a lovely way to start the day - and asking the first 4 paintings that literally flew out of my bag to be purchased as I arrived at my wet paint location.  What fun that was - and many others wanted this piece in those two hours.  It really does pay to be first at a wet paint sale! Painting number 5110 in 5110 days. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Elmore, Ohio


I love getting to paint the village my parents lived in for 31 years.  Each building has it's own story, and I have many memories here with my parents, friends and kids, as we visited them in their Portage River side home.  I miss that place, and I miss walking down to the river to paint it's many moods. I feel one with this place, and it is a pleasure to return now to paint annually, as we visit mom's friends. Painting number 5108 in 5108 days. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Elmore Water Tower


I am inexplicably drawn to small town water towers wherever I go - and what fun it is to paint them!  When we traveled and the kids were little, they loved finding the towers in each town.  I especially love the old ones with rust and chipping paint.  This one is special along the North Coast Inland trail where we biked as a family when visiting my parents.  I spent many days on that trail running when my Dad was sick, and this place feels like home though I've never lived here.  I love capturing these places in paint now.  Painting number 5107 in 5107 days. 

336 Rice

It is so fun to return to the charming village of Elmore, where my parents lived for 31 years. We used to walk up to these shops with the kids, stopping at the park to swing on the way back.  This cute place is now the Perfectly Pink Quilt Shop, and the upstairs 1880s loft has been beautifully renovated.  I hope to get at least one more painting completed while in town, before I head out.  Mom and I have had fun revisiting her friends and favorite places! Painting number 5106 in 5106 days. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hotel Lakeside

Hotel Lakeside is such a beautiful historic hotel on the coast of Lake Erie. One can look out over the water while dining or sitting on the screened in veranda. Steeped in vintage charm, it is low stepping back in time to a more peaceful pace.  It is a joy to paint here, if only for a few days.  Painting number 5105 in 5105 days. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Historic Downtown Lakeside

Painting in the heart of Lakeside is so much fun!  With at least four locations serving frozen treats, there is constant pedestrian traffic!  I talked and visited as I sketched this scene - dropping far more detail in than planned.  Mom and I had to break for lunch before her favorite quiche place closed, so I had to return to apply the paint.  A lovely couple offered me a smoothie, when they learned I had not yet tried the place.  Due to their kindness, I am now hooked on those delicious, healthy smoothies!  Who knew I could get something that I only make at home, from a shop?  Amazing!  Painting number 5104 in 5104 days. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Maxwell House



This beautiful Maxwell House is iconic to Lakeside, right inside the heart of town.  It was lovely to paint this while a young girl talked all things art with me, interested in every painting and supplyin my bag.  I think she will be the next generation artist on this street, talking to the next budding artist.  I'm happy this painting has a new home with a couple on the porch that I painted, as I was coached by this sweet little spirit!  Painting number 5103 in 5103 days. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

On Lakeside Beach


What better way to end this day than with a final paint on the beach at Lakeside?  Music wafted on the air from the sunset service as a cool breeze blew in off Lake Erie.  One my one, people walked down the pier and took seats along water's edge, in a daily ritual to watch the sunset.  This place is special, full of simple pleasures, family values and true community spirit.  I love painting here as much as I love being here.  It was so much fun to find patrons waiting at my booth spot to buy my paintings before I unpacked them!  I'm happy so many paintings find new homes today - as well as this one, tonight!  Painting number 5102 in 5102 days.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Lakeside Waterfront - August Cup


 I chose this lovely path along Lake Erie for my second paint today, and was rewarded with sailboats sailing into my scene!  I'm so happy to capture the August Cup race in progress! What amazing luck!  Painting number 5101 in 5101 days. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Afternoon on Walnut



It's great to be painting in Lakeside again - and the weather is absolutely perfect!  Returning to Walnut, I am looking towards the lake for this view, and sketching on ink and watercolor.  It's fun to visit with all the friendly people as they walk by.  I hope to do several more paintings in this charming downtown before leaving! This painting will be at the Wet Paint Sale on Sunday, down by the lake, near the Pavilion here in Lakeside, Ohio. Painting number 5100 in 5100 days. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024


I can't resist painting the garden phlox when it is in it's prime!  These blooms smell heavenly, sweet like lilac.  With ink I sketch the lines loosely, then float in color as I see it.  This is a small sketch to match my small painting window, an ATC size.  I hope they remain for weeks to come!  Painting number 5099 in 5099 days. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Garden Phlox

These blooms are so fragrant - the whole lawn smells almost of lilac. My very first starts were from Grandma Bessie's garden on Olive, where I helped to weed and tend, before running for lunch for all.  They were good days, learning to care for baby plants, while making memories to last a lifetime.  Now, those flowers bloom abundantly all over our property, and each time I see them, I think of Grandma Bessie.  Painting number 5098 in 5098 days. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Butterfly and Lily


This afternoon finds me painting in my flowers - in between the many garden tasks!  I have been told this variety of lily is very old - pre-civil war, in fact. I have them everywhere, and have only seen them in another old property  - the home of Amelia Earhart in Atchison, Kansas.  Very full and vibrant, the butterflies love them - and this cloudless sulphur danced among them today.  With only a tiny painting window, I am painting small today, 3x4, and the texture is very rough.  A bit of a challenge on a small piece, to be sure. The very best part of this size is that I am quickly done!  Painting number 5096 in 5096 days. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Phlox and Swallowtail


There's always time for a quick sketch in my garden - especially when the phlox are in their glory!  All of our recent rain has pumped up the vibrancy on these lovelies.  My very first start was from Grandma Bessie's house on Olive, many years ago.  I've planted them all over the property through the years, and now, their heavenly fragrance fills the air, and brings back memories.  Those are the very best flowers to surround oneself with. This one is headed to Powell Gardens for the Butterfly Festival and is painting number 5093 in 5093 days. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Zebra Plant


It is fun to sketch inside on this stormy day with a cup of hot tea and family.  I am working on a few butterfly paintings for Powell Gardens, so i added the little blue butterfly instead of the chicadees that were seeking shelter from the rain. After painting this beautiful zebra plant - I brought it home to enjoy in my own garden!  Painting number 5090 in 5090 days. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Crossandra and Butterfly

Today was our Monday Morning Watercolorist gathering at Family Tree Nursery in Shawnee. Mom joined me and Michaela and the boys met us there, along with artist friends. We drove through the pouring rain to get there, abs it was totally worth it to paint in their greenhouse as the rain hit the clear roof. There were a few leaks, but we sat strategically at a lovely wooden table in the clear.  After painting this tropical flower from Sri Lanka, we shopped and stopped by Bill and Evelyn's house for a visit. Tonight was an impromptu game night with Michael, Travis, Tiffany, Mom and my brother's family. Another super fun and busy family day!  I brought this beauty home to my own garden, too!  Painting number 5089 in 5089 days.