Wednesday, August 31, 2022
St Paul Church in the Hill
This lovely church on the hill is visible as one crosses the Missouri River, approaching Hermann, Missouri. Grand on the hill, I had to paint the sweeping scene on the bluff from this angle. I've only been to Hermann a couple of times, and I'm glad to get another chance to visit and paint it! It will be fun to see what the Art Walk is all about! Come see this painting and others from Hermann in front of the historic Hermann Museum this Friday 3:00 to 7:00 for First Friday Art Walk! Painting number 4320 in 4320 days.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Antioch Park Path to the Island
I love returning to childhood haunts to paint. Those small stepping stones seemed so large to me as a child, but now they are 1/4 the size, lol! The beautiful light on the water pulled me right in this morning, and the lush greens were a treat for late summer. I'm using a couple of new brushes today, Connoisseur taklons, which I purchased up in Marceline over the weekend. So far, so good. They are a little soft for the preliminary work, but real nice for the finish strokes. I look forward to exploring these more through the months ahead. Painting number 4319 in 4319 days.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
On the Strip
I started this one out standing on the sidewalk, close enough to jump in the car should the rain begin. Well, I didn't get much sketching in before the clouds opened up - and I tossed my gear in the car. The ink I use would bleed into a black mess if rained on! So, I sketched in the car (which I'd backed into a spot for a good vantage), and resumed my line work. Not long after, a "sketchy" guy in a truck parked beside me. I had several friends on the street who honed in on the situation, stopping by my window, and walking to to me frequently. Even though the rain had stopped, I finished this one in the car. It pays to be alert to your surroundings and your intuition. Happy to have friends looking out for me as well! Painting number 4317 in 4317 days. This painting now showing at Lake Fine Art Galleria on Bagnell Dam Boulevard!
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Old Marceline Depot
Love painting the old depot in Marceline, where my once dad helped his Aunt Minnie carry coins from here to the bank after selling their livestock. Dad told me that she carried as many coins as she could in her apron, abs he filled all his pockets, too. His mom and dad's families were from Marceline, so generations of my people have walked these streets. It is very meaningful to paint in such a place. Painting number 4316 in 4316 days. So happy this painting found a new home, too!
Friday, August 26, 2022
Ha Ha Tonka Overlook
The view from the castle ruins at Ha Ha Tonka castle are remarkable! From the castle on the steep bluff to the sweeping arm of the Lake of the Ozarks, this vista is beautiful. I had painted this earlier in the day with a heavy, overcast sky, but as I was departing another painting spot, I realized how beautiful the color now was! So, I pulled this back out and added the bluer sky and water layer, making it far more appealing. I'm so happy that I walked back by this ridge! Now Showing at Lake Fine Art Galleria! Painting number 4315 in 4315 days.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
The Butcher Shop
What a treat to find and paint this vintage style butcher shop in the heart of Camdenton! I was turning around, looking for a good angle to paint Ozarkland, when i stumbled upon this lovely place! Judging from the stream of patrons going in and out - it must be amazing, too! With ink and watercolor I sketched out the scene, careful to reserve my whites against the reds. This place really is a slice of Americana in the Ozarks! Painting number 4314 in 4314 days. Now Showing at Lake Fine Art Galleria!
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Michaela and Kirby
Tonight I return to my old friend graphite, to capture this moment forever. Our newest grandbaby, Kirby, was born last night to Michaela and Cooper. It is very special to share the birth of a grandchild with my daughters. This is the second birth I've shared with Michaela, and everything about it will forever be engraved in my mind. Life is so fragile, and such strength is required to bring that life into the world, it is truly a miracle. I found myself reliving my own experiences in the moment, knowing exactly what she was going through, and so proud of her strength, control and focus. The pain fades away, soon replaced by the joy brought to us by little Kirby, and this sweet moment will live on forever. It feels good to return to my first beloved medium at such a time. Painting number 4313 in 4313 days.
Monday, August 22, 2022
Shawnee Indian Mission - East Building
Not far from where I grew up - I have never been to this Kansas State Historic site! Timeless in the early morning light, this place feels like the 1800s - there is even a covered wagon in the background in preparation for the upcoming festival. I am trying out a shiny, new Caran D'Ache Swiss gouache full pan travel set!!! A few of the colors differ from my norms, but I can still get my colors by mixing. I'm using a few soft brushes in more of a watercolor way, with plenty of water. I really like the intensity I'm getting with gouache. I LOVE using pans and half pans, because I can take them anywhere with a few water brush pens. I actually took a like container for water, unsure if I could really mix well enough with the brush pens. I'm at the beginning of this gouache journey - can't wait to see where it leads! Painting number 4311 in 4311 days.
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Stark Cavern Reflections
LOVE getting to paint lake reflections IN a CAVE!! It's not every day I get an opportunity like this - in fact it is the first time plein air artists have been allowed to paint inside this cave! After scouting several views within the first few rooms, this long view over the lake was my choice location! The light filtering in from the entrance, as well as other lights, illuminated the space in a magical way, other worldly, in fact! It is ethereal and timeless to paint in the still of a cave. I heard the guide say there are no fish in this lake, but something jumped from the water as I painted. There was far less dripping here than in the Bridal Cave, but still there was a gentle lapping of water. The water runs out the cave entrance flanked on either side with trees and a rocky ridge. I used my mighty light in this cave - and it's a good thing I had it, since it was very dark behind me! Painting number 4310 in 4310 days. Come see this one in person at Lake Fine Art Galleria on Bagnell Dam Boulevard!
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Seven Springs Winery
What a lovely place to spend an evening with artist friends, painting the beauty of this terraced garden! Friends joined me here, ordering a couple of dishes for my benefit - and wine, of course! The crab cakes and spinach artichoke dip was delicious, as was my dry white! Recharged, a painted this ink and watercolor while leaning against the fence, sipping my wine! It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!! Painting number 4309 in 4309 days, and this one is now showing at Lake Fine Art Galleria on Bagnell Dam Boulevard!
Friday, August 19, 2022
Hot Summer Night on the Strip
This watercolor nocturne sure was a challenge during a busy car show on Bagnell Dam! There were so many people, I could hardly see my scene at times, and I had to stand back from the walkway without tumbling down into a ravine! My first attempt at using watercolor for a nocturne, I struggled with getting the colors as dark as I wanted. I added and added pigment to get it where I needed it. It is also my first time to use a light while painting at night, and it was a good thing I had it. It was very dark at my back with no light to paint by! I would normally choose a more comfortable place from which to paint - this was the view I wanted, so no other place would do. This painting was certainly a lesson in perseverance, from the gridlock in traffic beforehand to the long walk from the car, to pushing me to pick up my gouache after many years of neglect. I've found a while new painting adventure with that medium. So happy the gallery owner wanted this painting for her very own, too! Painting number 4308 in 4308 days.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Bridal Cave Pipe Organ
Painting inside the Bridal Cave is ethereal, especially by the "pipe organ" formation! I recently purchased a mighty light from Judson's Art Outfitters, and this is my first time to use it. Small enough to slip in my pocket, it has three settings and clamps securely on my pochade. In this cave setting, it was a lifesaver, since my back was toward a rock wall which was very dark. The constant dripping echoed within the cave, and was almost like a serenade. My second time to paint in this cave, I layered up for warmth with a rain coat for my outer layer. What a lovely special way to experience this cave! Painting number 4307 in 4307 days, and this one is now showing at Lake Fine Art Galleria on Bagnell Dam Boulevard in Lake Ozark, Missouri.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Main Street Inn Bed & Breakfast
I LOVE painting something special for someone special in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri!! Special requests are a joy when the subject is near and dear to my heart - like this wonderful historic inn. I took special care to capture the essence of this place to commemorate our in smaller likenesses for others to enjoy. Tonight was my Artist Reception at Music Art Love in Sainte Genevieve, and Chris put on a lovely spread! Wine, cheese, crackers and live music accompanied my art for a lovely showing of my Sainte Genevieve work. So happy to meet new friends as well as catching up with old ones, too! It was a wonderful "Meet and Greet" tonight at Music Art Love!! Painting number 4306 in 4306 days. ❤️🎨
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Ha Ha Tonka Castle Ruins
Ha Ha Tonka is such a treasure trove to the artist! I've been visiting these ruins since I was young, and they have changed through the years. Once we could run in and out of the rooms, and now they are fenced off with paved walkways around the exterior. The view is still stunning from the hillside, and the dramatic lines and angles are still appealing. With ink and watercolor I commit this place to paper, as it is this year, on this lovely morning in August. Painting number 4305 in 4305 days, and this one is now showing at the Lake Fine Art Academy and Galleria on Bagnell Dam Boulevard.
Monday, August 15, 2022
Grandma's Country Kitchen
After a rather frustrating nocturne paint in watercolor - my very first attempt using watercolor at night - I pulled out my virgin travel gouache kit for some heavier paint application. I sketched in ink as normal, and the gouache instantly gave me stronger color in those dark masses. I left some of my lights, not knowing how gouache would behave in those areas - and it was a good thing! It was hard to get strong highlights on top of other color. My rough cotton paper was probably not ideal - but it was the only remaining piece I had stamped. I meant to get a couple others stamped earlier, but was running late to the nocturne with the additional show set up. There are things about this gouache that peak my interest, and I will definitely have to explore a little more. I tried both soft and hard pastels, but only the oil pastels left good marks. Total experiment here, but it was rewarding on a chaotic car show night on Bagnell Dam! Next time I'll be super early and prepared for gridlock and big crowds, lol! I ended up with two good paintings, but oh it was work tonight! Painting number 4304 in 4304 days.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Garden at the Lodge
Finding a lovely garden at the entry to the Willmore Lodge was a special treat! I wanted to capture the beauty of the place with my focus on the blooms, as the grand Lodge stood in the background. I had to sketch this out from a lower vantage to get this composition before adding color to the masses. It was probably pretty funny to watch me so 500 squats to achieve this in process! It was a lovely afternoon spent in the garden, and this painting was awarded the Liz Kahrs Memorial Award, a ribbon, and found a new home, too! Painting number 4303 in 4303 days.
Friday, August 12, 2022
Path to the Vineyard
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You know I couldn't resist painting a vineyard path! I've painted on the strip very late tonight, attending a Hot Summer Nights car show. Although it was fun, it was packed beyond reason! I am now so tired I am falling asleep while posting on my phone - so I will sign off for now and hopefully fill this out more later. Painting number 4301 in 4301 days.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Shawnee Bluff Winery
It was a gorgeous evening for painting AND dining at the Shawnee Bluff Winery!! This is my first time to this place, and I caught sight of this scene as I left my car - and didn't go any further! After a quick spin of this beautifully situated property, i returned with my gear to start painting. I actually chose 2 places to paint, but only had time for this one. Bonus - there was a jazz and blues group on site - who serenaded us all night long! Wonderful music to paint by. I hope to return to paint the tasting barn and grapevines! This painting will be available at the sale Saturday, at the Lodge of the Four Seasons, Granada A, from 10:00 to 1:00. Painting number 4300 in 4300 days
Monday, August 8, 2022
Red Hed Lakeside Grill
It was a beautiful morning for painting on the Lake of the Ozarks! Arriving at 6:30am, the water was calm and the breeze was cool. I found my spot on the bridge to a dock, which would remain shaded as the day heated up. I was close to the edge, so I had to be EXTRA CAREFUL to keep my supplies tucked away. An errant brush or pen could roll right off the edge and into the lake below! It is a luxury to start the day painting, with no worries about household chores. I find I'm painting slower - because I don't have to rush. It seems I'm forever watching the clock, squeezing in painting time between other obligations. This is the first day of Lake of the Ozarks Plein Air, and I'm looking forward to a spending quality time with my paint! Painting number 4299 in 4299 days. I'm honored to have won the Purchase Award at the Red Head Lakeside Grill for LOZ PleinAir! ! ❤️🎨
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Horse Camper!
This may just be the coolest camper I've ever seen - and of course, I HAD to paint it!! I am drawn to campers and travel trailers - probably because they stir up childhood memories of family camp-outs! But this one is right out of my childhood book of dreams, full of my love of horses! I'm losing the light, but still had enough time for an ink sketch and a little watercolor too. I'm staying in the bunkhouse just past this beauty - and it is right our of the pages of Country Living! How does one artist get so lucky as I am? I'm thanking my lucky stars tonight - and may just go sit out and enjoy them awhile! Painting number 4298 in 4298 days.
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Central Library
Who knew the Central Library in Kansas City was so beautiful?!! I am constantly amazed at the gorgeous places I get to paint - that I didn't even know existed! The front door is beautiful, and the entry hall was so stunning that I stopped right there to paint! The whole place is so like Union Station - the ceilings, chandeliers, columns, floor, mood, railings and there is even a grand clock! This painting will be part of a special display in the library featuring Urban Sketchers KC, along with 24 others. I can't wait to see them all framed together! What a fun morning with Urban Sketchers KC! Painting number 4297 in 4297 days.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Any morning painting sailboats is a morning well spent! The sky was so dramatic early, that I set up immediately at water's edge to capture it in oils. I had much of the scene in before the sailboats entered the water - so it was easy to position them as they set sail on the surface. What a lovely morning to paint such a perfect summer scene! Painting number 4296 in 4296 days.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Monarch and Coneflowers
Working on a few paintings for an upcoming Flint Hills show, I've been in search of wonderful Kansas wildflowers along the roadsides. The sunflowers aren't yet in bloom here, so I'm choosing another perennial favorite, the purple coneflower! Butterflies and bees love the native wildflowers, and we have plenty of monarchs in the Midwest - though I hear they are scarce further west. So today, I enjoy my sketch time among the coneflowers, welcoming the winged visitors as they pass. Love these warm summer days! Painting number 4295 in 4295 days.
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Butterflies and Black-eyed Susans
I love sketching butterflies as they dance around the wildflowers! They certainly don't mind the heat! We have so many different butterflies, I wish I could identify them in the field. Black-eyed Susans are loveliest when other flowers of the field are fading, especially in heat like we've had! With ink and watercolor, I capture some of this high summer glory among the wildflowers, loving every minute of my sketch time! Painting number 4294 in 4294 days.
Monday, August 1, 2022
Summer at Kauffman Garden
It is delightful to paint the summer blooms as the fountains bubble around me!! Meeting artist friends here this morning, I arrived a little later than intended. Loading 7 large paintings in the car for delivery to PGAV Architects, took a little longer than anticipated. I'm working large today, because I am ever in need of Kansas City paintings for gallery spaces. This one will frame at 20x16. I don't think I've painted here this time of year before, not this selection of blooms. Nor have I painted from this direction, catching the architecture in the background. I like the soft garden edges against the hard lines of the buildings, grounds the painting. Though hot, there was a lovely breeze and I tucked myself into a shady spot, painting until I finished. The girls had gone on to lunch, but it feels good to have one ready to frame, and now it's off to my art drop-off next! Painting number 4293 in 4293 days.