Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Prickly Pear Cactus
I sketched this lovely prickly pear at the top of the Window Trail Loop as we played with Casper and Kirby. These beauties are abundant here, so I captured them with pen and ink on the aged pages of one of my favorite travel journals. We enjoyed prickly pear shiners and prickly pear tacos that were amazing, too! These come in shades of yellow green to purplish pink, and I can't wait to paint them in oil and watercolor, too! Painting number 5100 in 5100 days.
Santa Elena Canyon
Sketching Santa Elena Canyon in my travel journal while in Big Bend! What an amazing place to capture in ink and watercolor. The trail along the canyon climbs to this perch before hugging the wall and descending to the water quite a ways in. Wild horses walked the bank before crossing the water, coming very close. They are quite tame and walked towards me at the sound of my keys jingling. This is bear and cougar country, so I hook my keys on a belt loop when I'm hiking and painting. I love putting these places into my travel journal. I've left room to write about the day's adventure on the left, and I'll fill that in when I get the chance. Sketch first, write later is my Journaling motto. Painting number 5099 in 5099 days.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Lone Peak
This small mountain is such an odd collection of rocks, pushed up from the earth at an angle. It caught my attention immediately, though it wasn't until a couple days later that I finally got to paint it. My som-in-law-s mom remembers scrambling up that mountain with her siblings as the adults dined inside the lodge restaurant. It is lovely up here and I could literally paint in any direction in this basin, and paint a different mountain. Though it's my first time to visit and paint here, I don't think it will be my last. This place is magical. Painting number 5098 in 5098 days.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Boquillas Canyon
Boquillas Canyon was more beautiful than I'd hoped, and thrilling to paint! I hiked in with the family and my gear, and set up here as soon as I set eyes on this scene. My family hiked on and there were only 3 other's on the trail as I worked. Sensing the remoteness and a wish that I had packed what was currently with my husband, I quickened my pace. The beauty though enthralling, I couldn't shake the feeling of being vulnerable oot there. Minutes later, and authentic Mexican in horseback walked up behind me, asking if I'd like to buy tamales, empinadas or sopapillas. His two dogs flanked him as his very long knife hanging in a handmade leather case caught my attention. He asked if there were more people in the canyon, and of course I mentioned my family "just over there" and others who just went by. He stood too close behind me, didn't talk enough, and I was packing up. He asked if I was done, and I said yes, and that he'd make a great painting - so I took his photo, hoping it wouldn't be needed for evidence. I walked quickly on and didn't breathe a sigh of relief until I met back up with my party. As we left the canyon, we did but tamales and sopapillas from him, as he lurked behind some bushes with his horse. He had crossed over from Boquilla with a friend who was also seeking goods from the little town. One can easily wade through the Rio Grande here, and they watch for the border patrol with their binoculars to cross. I could have painted 3 different paintings here I'd there were more people on the trail. This one was truly a quick paint and painting number 5097 in 5097 days.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Bee Mountain
This beauty is right out our front window view in Terlingua, Texas. It was the very first sketch I did on site, as the sun was setting. After a bit of research, I found the name of this one is Bee Mountain. It was so named because of the numerous bees that would build their hives in the crevices in the sides of this mountain until settlers eventually destroyed them in collecting the honey. My daughter took a photo of three long horned goats on the side of it as they drove by! It is so cool to see wildlife we never see in Missouri! Painting number 5096 in 5096 days.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Casa Grande in the Chisos Mountains
Casa Grande is such a prominent feature in the Chisos Mountain Basin, it simply BEGGED to be painted! I first sketched this in pen and ink in my aged travel journal, then in ink and watercolor in a different journal and orientation. When I approached it with oil, this mountain felt like an old friend. I'm really focusing on the glorious mountains - and each quick paint feels more natural. So much natural beauty, so little painting time...... This is painting number 5095 in 5095 days.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Looking into Mexico
As we were hiking this trail, I just HAD to stop and paint here! I'm standing in Texas and facing Mexico. This is the Santa Eleno Canyon trailhead on the Rio Grande, and it is absolutely breathtaking! I need many more days to paint all is this rugged beauty! Painting number 5094 in 5094 days.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Santa Elena Trail Head
What an amazing day to paint in Santa Elana Canyon! The left side is Mexico and the right is Texas!! I have never been here before today - and what a treat it was! We hiked the trail along the canyon with Michaela, Cooper, Casper and Kirby, and i headed back early to paint here while the kids threw rocks into the water. I'm painting as fast as I can in between family activities, to make the most of our time in this park! Painting number 5097 in 5097 days.
Monday, February 10, 2025
February Sunset
Sunset light is so fleeting - each one is a quick paint! I'm having so much trouble with my cell connection that this will be a quick post, too! Painting number 5096 in 5096 days.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
The Window Trail
My very first time to visit this part of Texas has me sketching near the visitor center at the Big Bend National Park, as we watch Kirby and Casper on the Window small loop trail. Michaela and Cooper are in the longer trail as the little ones explore every rock and road runner! Keeping them close is no small feat, so my sketch is brief in pen and ink. I'll come back in with the adventures of this day - and they were many! I would not have imagined it would be in the 90s when it's only in the 20s at home! I do love going south in February! Painting number 5095 in 5095 days.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Mahommes Magic
How can I resist creating the magic of our hometown boys in copper? GO CHIEFS! I am looking forward to an amazing game tomorrow! Artwork number 5094 in 5094 days.
Another High Five
These hometown boys were super fun to paint in ink, watercolor and hot wax on rice paper! I am manifesting destiny with each painting and keeping the positive energy flowing! I am using my thinnest paper for truly luminous result, which begins all of the challenges that come with that. It is rice paper, after all, and it dissolves away with too much brush work. I've gotten a few requests to teach a workshop on this, perhaps I'll get something on the schedule for just that. Painting number 5093 in 5093 days.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Running Kelce in Copper
Surprise! Kelce in copper is on the "Chiefs Easel" today! It has been a while since I've picked up the metal supplies - and it is super fun! I especially like that he is such a great guy - as are all of our hometown boys. This is seriously a team all young kids can look up to, and I'm sending out positive vibes and kingdom love with each piece of art I create! I hope we see plenty of this on Sunday!! GO CHIEFS! Artwork number 5092 on 5092 days.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Mahommes and Kelce High 5
I'm working with ink, watercolor and hot wax again on a couple of our home town boys! I have long been wanting to paint some of our Chiefs in watercolor batik, and this is the perfect week to do it! The rice paper I am working on is so very fragile that I'm having a bit of trouble with it. I'm using Qor red here - and it is absolutely perfect for this! It didn't fade through the hot wax nor the ironing is said wax off, which is amazing! The other paints are Daniel Smith since I'm working on the studio for this one. His paints have been my favorite since I first picked up watercolor paint. I'm lucky to have chosen his first, I probably saved myself lots of time and disappointment with inferior paints. I've got a theme going, and I hope to keep it up to game time! Painting number 5091 in 5091 days.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
KC Arrowhead Inked
It's that time again! As the Super Bowl approaches, I just have to wash some ink in support of our hometown boys! The excitement around the city is palpable and i simply must get a few Chiefs paintings done before the big day! I first sketched this with India ink, then went over those lines with a chisel tip Pitt pen. Next, I dropped in a favorite new fountain pen ink - Grotto - by Diamine, then washed in a juicy layer barely touching the edge of that ink. The ink moves freely into the very wet masses with a mind of it's own. How fun it is to watch it unfold! Painting number 5090 in 5090 days.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Potpouri Woods
Potpouri is another in from the Diamine Inkvent Calendar in a berry shade. I left it towards the end to try because of didn't thrill me. But, to my surprise, it has a lovely chroma bleed that pushes turquoise. That beautiful spread into wet areas is quite dramatic. I struggled with how to use it best in the landscape, and perhaps a striking sunset sky is in order. Another day, another lesson. Painting number 5089 in 5089 days.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Milk Barn Sunrise
How could I resist painting a sunrise over the milk barn? The light is fleeting this time of day, so special care must be taken to be able to strike when ready! I watch the sky and wait for peak color, all the while I'm laying in the structure of the painting. Horizon, barn and trees, then a few marks for the clouds as their color intensifies. The second I see a dulling of chroma, I lay down all that's left before it all fades away. It's like running a race with the sun! Painting number 5088 in 5088 days.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Cardinal Family
We often have cardinals nesting on the grounds, sometimes even by the front porch. When they are so close, I just can't resist painting them as they tend their little ones! I've chosen pen and ink for this study on handmade paper - and I like the vintage feel of it! Maybe I should do more of these studies in black and white. Painting number 5087 in 5087 days.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Pine Needle Woods
It's super fun to try out another Diamine invent ink - Pine Needle. It's a lovely color for evergreens that saturates almost to a cad green, and washes to a yellow green. I like selecting pens as artistic as the ink, and this one is a beauty. I'm looking forward to exploring all this ink can do - when I've got a bit more time. As for now, I've got a robotics tournament to attend with half the family and my grandsons competing! Painting number 5086 in 5086 days.