Sunday, October 9, 2022

Chimeys at Cave Spring Park


I love getting to paint new (to me) KC trails during Walktober - sponsored by KC Parks every Sunday this month!  I've never even heard of the Cave Spring Park, so it was extra fun to explore this trail today.  With a map in my hand, I headed down the trail with my gear - and I didn't get far. When I reached the chimneys - ruins from a Masonic lodge from 100 years ago - I went no further!  The light was awesome and the leaves were turning, and I wanted to capture it in paint.  This one was a quick paint, which I arrived 30 minutes late, and still turned in 30 minutes early.  I hope the waterfall is running next time - the images of it brought me out here, and it's on my way to Parkville, too. Great day to be out painting AND hiking! Painting number 4359 in 4359 days. 

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