Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Morning with Hogarth

What a treat to accept an invitation to paint dockside at Duckworth Steel Boats this morning!  Cold and breezy, I layered up and set my easel at water's edge.  The whole place was full of steel and tools, where many complicated paintings could be had.  I loved the way the W.T. Hogarth set in the scene, with colors playing on the water and the weathered dock at it's side.  Mostly cloudy, the sun popped out occasionally, illuminating the scene.  I worked quickly to get those colors, within the masses, looking again and again at my subject.  A complicated subject, I probably should have sketched it out first in ink.  I opted for drawing it on with paint, adjusting the lines where needed as I progressed.  Observation is the largest part of the work here, and I really enjoyed studying this beauty as the boat builders worked all around me.  How cool it has been to slip into this scene for the morning!  Painting number 2616 in 2616 days.