Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Beach at Fred Howard Park

I spent all day painting on this sliver of land, three different sides and views.   A pair of dolphins swam nearby, and many different birds stopped by.  Visitors came by and a starfish was found on the beach, a little girl put it in the water to see it come back to life.  All of this soaked in to my painting as I laid down those strokes of paint.  It is as important to slow down and really take the time to observe my landscape as I paint.  It happens naturally here, with the rhythmic waves, sound of gulls, and gulf coast breezes on my face.  I think I could get used to this, especially in February!  Painting number 2608 in 2608 days.


  1. I love this painting, the composition and the colours are so inviting.

  2. wonderful painting!!! fantastic!!!
    Greetings Elke
