Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hollyhocks of Fish Creek

Hollyhocks of Fish Creek
Watercolor, 6x9
Purchase Information
After several days of working in the oils, today finds me longing for the watercolors again.  The flowers all over the Door County Peninsula were absolutely amazing this summer!  The weather was so much cooler than the heat of Kansas City, I actually wore jeans and capris each day - normally starting with a couple of jackets, too!  It was way too chilly for me to be out on the beach, but all of the locals thought this was truly summer weather, because they were out in their swimsuits - in the cold water of Lake Michigan!  Yikes!  I like the summer heat before I swim!  The cooler climate and humid weather must be one reason for such abundant and large flowers.  Hollyhocks were at their peak in almost every town dotting the coastline.  I plan on studying this flower, because I think they are challenging!  I have tried them now in oils, acrylics, molding paste and watercolors, and I think their true essence eludes me.  Working more on the lights and shadows on this one, I do like the translucency of the watercolors for the petals.  I wish I had some of these beauties in my own yard.  I had them for years, but eventually the harsh winters got them.  I'm going to put out some more seed this fall, and hope this coming winter is kind.  Painting number 596 in as many days.


  1. I love Hollyhocks and your piece is just outstanding. Excellent work. I have some in my garden.

  2. Beautiful flowers!! Excellent work!

  3. what else can I say-but yet another gorgeous painting-love how the flowers really pop to the front of the deep blue background!

  4. Beautiful painting, Hollyhocks are one of my favourites

  5. Just stunning my dear!! Such gorgeous color! I am so happy it's cooling down around here! I am miserable in the heat!! Well as miserable as I can get which isn't very miserable..lol

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Totally gorgeous! I love how you captured all those great angles with the flowers. Stunning.

  7. Beautiful watercolor!!!! I'm with you ..must have heat to be in the water .. I don't look well in goosebumps.

  8. I am totally in awe of your ability and talent to paint a picture a day. This is terrific with the dark background behind the bright flowers, you have captured their essence so skillfully.

  9. Beautiful deep contrast with the background ....

  10. What a lovely painting. It brought back all kinds of memories--beautiful memories of my grandmother's garden. Thank you.
