Saturday, October 31, 2020
Lenauer Homestead
When I first drove up this lane, this long sweep of farm grabbed my attention. Exploring a little further, I drew that distant barn in the freezing cold, with pen and ink. The pen did hesitate a bit, the first time that's happened to me, but I had left my supplies in the trunk over night. I won't do that again in the cold! Returning to this spot after warming up my fountain pen, I began to sketch. Sheltered from the wind, this was a more comfortable spot. I was able to take my time with the landscape, careful to accurately portray the beauty. No need for watercolor here, the ink says it all. So happy the owner wanted this drawing for their own collection. Love painting here in Gasconade County! Painting number 2853 in 2853 days.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Powerhouse at Maramec Springs
The wonderful lines of the little green powerhouse grabbed me immediately! So charming, it is storybook perfect along the winding Maramec Spring. Misty when I started, I quickly got the masses down in oil to repel the coming rain. The ground near the spring is very cold, and my toes were getting numb on this cold and rainy day. Thank goodness I had half a yoga mat to fold up and stand on - it was much warmer for my feet! By the time I finished, the rain was moving in and a large turtle joined to watch me paint! Painting number 2852 in 2852 days.
Maramec Springs,
missouri artist,
Missouri State Park,
plein air,
St. James,
tammie dickerson
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Water Under the Bridge
Oh my - what a treat! After hiking the trail around this part of the park, I started this large painting rather late - shortly after 4:00. It had been raining all day, so I headed here when there was only a drizzle left. I started blocking in fast to get that surface covered, just in case the rain returned. As long as I've got oil paint on that surface, I can continue in the rain. Any unpainted parts will repel the paint if wet. Both yesterday and today, I had to cover the panel fast, and it helped me get the whole thing painted quickly. I think I've stumbled onto a key to painting large - both days were much easier than the first attempt. I did lose the light before quite finished, so I made a couple adjustments at the car. I just love painting to the sound of rushing water! Painting number 2851 in 2851 days.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Autumn at Maramec Springs
I have driven by this Maramec Springs Park several times on my way to Steelville and Saint Genevieve, always wanting to check out out - but never enough time. WELL. I will not be making that mistake again. This place is a wellspring for masterpieces and I could never tire of painting here! With a focus of painting larger in the field, I am working on a 20x16 masonite panel. Gessoed and dare I say previously painted - I am upcycling old works. So, this painting has a secret painting underneath. Isn't that fun? My third large piece this week, the process really seemed more comfortable today. The first day was a struggle to cover the surface, the second was more manageable, and today was almost effortless. With such an inspiring place, how could it be otherwise? Painting number 2850 in 2850 days. This painting is now showing at Gallery Zeke for a limited time only!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Autumn Rain on Main Street

Monday, October 26, 2020
Wood Shed in Autumn
This scene caught my attention upon arrival at this private estate paint. Those rich autumn colors popped in this rainy day, and the wood shed had such character! Not yet raining, I set up by another barn to start painting. The sky darkened and before long, the rain started pouring! I was able to back up under cover, blocking that very cold wind in the process. The second cold, wet day of the week had me shivering! It was so wonderful to have a hot meal provided by our gracious event host! Love getting to paint these hidden gems tucked away in the countryside! Painting number 2848 in the 2848 days.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Swinging Tree
This glorious old tree beckoned to me from my first day in Owensville. The swing told the story of little ones at play, and the beautiful branches swept up towards the sky. At first light, I started sketching, using rough little lines, trying to stay true to their shapes. As the drawing unfolded, the essence of the place oozed in. So often that is how plein air works, something indefinable from the location finds it's way into the painting. Love this peaceful place. Painting number 2848 in 2848 days.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
October Afternoon
What an amazing place to land for today's paint out! This was actually my third painting of the day, the first two were landscapes in pen and ink. These colors only grew more glorious with the day - and I HAD to paint them. With scarcely enough time left for this larger painting, I had to work fast. Sketching with my brush, I marked the masses as I filled in with oils. The depth of color was breathtaking! The little chickens gathered all and me, keeping me company with their sweet noises as I painted. Seldom the last one in the field these days, I used every minute to paint before packing quick and rushing to judging. I arrived with only minutes to spare! How surprised and honored I was to win the First Place Purchase Award for this!! What a great painting day - despite the cold and wind!! Painting number 2847 in 2847 days.
fall color,
Gasconade County,
missouri artist,
plein air,
private estate paint,
tammie dickerson
Friday, October 23, 2020
Bluebird Hollow Bridge
This bridge has been calling my name since I arrived in Owensville - and this afternoon I answered the call! I love the shape and windows of this bridge, very artistic over this winding creek. I started in with my favorite fountain pen, the TWSBI Diamond mini in gold, loaded with Levenger's Raven Black ink. This ink is my absolute favorite for plein air in the field. Rich and velvety, it flows smoothly from the nib. A little movement with a wet brush pulls out the grays, and a final touch of ink finishes the piece. So happy this drawing will grace the home of my lovely host family!! Painting number 2846 in 2846 days.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
White Mule Winery in Autumn
When I arrived on location, I knew I would paint here. An old farmhouse with picket fence AND white mules in the pasture - how could I resist?!? The afternoon light was magical as it cast shadows on the house and illuminated the scene! With a hard wind blowing, I set up beside an outbuilding for shelter. Autumn is really showing off here - and I'm so lucky to get to paint it!! Painting number 2845 in 2845 days.
fall colors,
missouri artist,
picket fence,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
White Mule Winery,
white mules
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
401 Main in Autumn
These misty days make the perfect backdrop for those autumn colors - and I am making the most of it! Painting from the porch of the house next door, I was happy to have shelter when a sudden downpour swept in to wash the landscape before me! I really enjoyed the luxury of time, no deadlines, just my paints, the scene, and focused study of how the colors relate to each other, stroke by stroke. I can already imagine just what regular focused study could do for my work. Painting number 2844 in 2844 days.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Evan's House in Autumn
Oh, this gorgeous scene beckoned to me this morning! All those fallen leaves invited me out to paint! This landscape is right outside my cottage - so this was certainly a cushy place to paint in the rain! Shelter and hot tea at my side, this was a fabulous painting day! I am really trying to study the color relationships during these autumn paints! These colors last such a short time - I hope to make the most of it! Painting number 2843 in 2843 days.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Little House in Autumn
It has been raining down here in Steelville, and the autumn color is shining against that fresh green! While out scouting different locations for fall color, I stopped by the park near the library. There is a wonderful creek, pond, ducks and giant rocks, and behind a one room school house, this wonderful scene! Standing under an eve of the library, I was able to paint this in the rain. Yes, it's on the 40's, but who cares when I'm dry and this place begs to be painted? The fall color is peak down here - I can't wait to paint more of it! Painting number 2842 in 2842 days.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Missouri Bluffs
Mom and I walked in this shop for the first time last week. Delighted with the offerings, I made a second stop in before leaving town! Back for one more day of painting, I just had to paint this boutique before turning my additional work into the Weston Coffee Roastery. After painting, I headed back in to buy two more fabulous kimono hair clips - which actually hold up all of my hair! Love when I find new favorite shops while out painting! All these Weston paintings will start showing on October 21 - please stop in to see all of the work on display of this charming town! Painting number 2840 in 2840 days.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Jones on Main
Love finding new places to paint on Main Street in charming Weston! This sweet place has a courtyard garden surrounded by an antique iron fence, and is right beside the Methodist church. With ink I sketch the scene, and add the color with my watercolor half pans. It has turned out to be a delightful day - despite the frosty start! Painting number 2839 in 2839 days.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Christmas Store!
If you've been to Weston, you know how Main Street is lined with wonderful little shops and eateries. This store just opened and is full of wonderful holiday treasures and adorned Christmas trees at every turn. Just a brief stroll through this shop will put even Scrooge in the Christmas spirit! So - of course I had to paint it! In fact, I painted several of my favorite places while in Weston! Painting number 2838 in 2838 days. This painting will soon be hanging at the Weston Coffee Roastery on Main Street!
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
First Christian Church
Every so often, I forget to get a photo of my painting until it is framed! This sweet, historic church is one of several in the small town of Albion, Illinois. These beautiful historic churches seem untouched by time, with all of their character and charm intact! I find ink and watercolor a perfect way to capture their charm on handmade paper. The more I sketch these buildings, the easier and more natural they become - and this is one place I can let my love for detail run wild! I'll never tire of painting them! Painting number 2837 in 2837 days.
Edward's County Paint Out,
First Christian Church,
historic church,
missouri artist,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Historical Society at Union Cemetery
Love these gorgeous autumn days where the weather is perfect and the colors are shining! With this 7x5 Guerrilla Painter thumb box pochade, I can store 2 wet paintings and all of my supplies under that shelf! My palette is an Altoid tin - which closes up and stores inside. I have attached a purse like strap to it, so it looks very like an artsy purse - until I open it up! This little guy is probably my second favorite pochade box - right behind my French Resistance box! Painting number 2836 in 2836 days!
Monday, October 12, 2020
Union Cemetery Museum
Union Cemetery is so gorgeous in October! With autumn colors on, the landscape is at it's best this time of year. This sweet little building is now home to the Historical Society - and my subject du jour with the Monday Morning Watercolorists! I normally use my watercolors on Mondays, but early this morning I felt the need to pack my 5x7 thumb box pochade, too. When autumn colors are popping I lean to my oils every time. This crazy palette needs to be organized! It started with saving paint from a broken glass palette all willy-nilly to this tiny Altoid tin. Then I dropped in paint where I could squeeze it in - and now we have this very textual piece of art! I am going to fix up another tonight - so the next time I need this palette, it will be in order! Painting number 2835 in 2835 days.
guerrilla painter,
Historical Museum,
Kansas City,
missouri artist,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
Union Cemetery
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Berkley Riverfront Park
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My first time here at Berkeley Riverfront Park has been so fun to capture in ink and watercolor! Hosted by the Kansas City Parks and Rec, today's Walktober event started at 9:00. After stamping for the quick paint, I checked both bridge views before walking along this path to get my gear. How could I resist these glorious fall colors? With leaves raining down in the wind, I sketched this scene with the ASB Railroad Bridge in the background. Adding watercolor, I had to blow out debris from my palette a couple times. Additionally, the wind dropped bugs, twigs and spiders on me - good thing I don't mind them! The Heritage Trail runs along the Missouri River for 13 miles, reaching Kaw Point to the west. This painting was among the top 5 today - and I LOVED painting the emerging fall color! I hope to get plenty more opportunities before leaf fall!! Painting number 2834 in 2834 days.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
First Presbyterian Church
Sometimes, I am so busy with the process of painting that I forget to get a photo until I have framed it! I sketched out this historic church on a 6x6 handmade smooth cotton paper by Shizen. I normally save this smooth paper for ink alone, but I've started using more when adding watercolor - mainly because I need that specific size! I am finding a way to make it work for me, although it reminds me of 140lb cold pressed paper. Using that kind of watercolor paper when I first tried watercolor prevented me from picking up watercolor again for many years. Only when I tried cotton paper did I find my love for it! Adding watercolor gingerly - because of the paper - I coaxed it to completion. I love painting this sweet church from the Albion area! Painting number 2833 in 2833 days.
Friday, October 9, 2020
Sunset at the Horse Trough
Horses have been a favorite muse of mine since I was a little girl. I love the shape of them - and those manes and tails have endless possibilities! This scene is an everyday slice of Americana from this working farm in Edward's County, Illinois, where the family dog looks on as the horses have their evening feed. Love how the process of painting takes me back in time. Painting number 2832 in 2832 days. So happy this painting has a new home!
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Beverlin's Statuary
Early in the morning is the best time to sketch the charming shops on Main Street in Weston. Beverlin's Statuary is adorned with beautiful statues and urns filled with blooms - and I just had to paint it! With ink, I sketched my composition, and soon filled in with watercolor. After this painting was finished - Mom and I went to the Green Dirt Farm Creamery for lunch! Love these warm autumn days spent in such a charming, historic place! Painting number 2831 in 2831 days
Beverlin's Statuary,
historic buildings,
missouri artist,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Main Street Galleria
After an amazing dinner at the Tin Kitchen, and returning to our room at the Saint George, this scene was glowing with lamplight. Enjoying a glass of Pirtle's Traditional Mead, I kept looking out this window! I took care of a few emails and posts and grabbed my paints for a little night sketching! With ink and watercolor, I painted this scene - and it is one of only a few ink and watercolor nocturnes I have painted! I almost always choose oils for night paints, but I didn't want to go get them out of my trunk! Lol! Painting number 2830 in 2830 days.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Historic Weston Orchard
What fun to paint autumn at the Historic Weston Orchard! Complete with pumpkins and colorful mums on the lawn, this place was busy with families coming for cider donuts and apple picking! As I sketched, the sweet aroma of ripe apples on the trees wafted my way! Though I was sitting in the sun for this vantage, it was worth it to capture this wonderful slice of Americana! This one is now showing at the Weston Coffee Roastery! Painting number 2830 in 2830 days.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Main and Thomas Street
What fun to paint with a bird's eye view from our 3rd floor corner room at the Saint George Historic Hotel. Perched in the window seat, I had wonderful light to sketch the buildings below on Main Street. I sketched while Mom napped, and then we went down to the Tin Kitchen for a delicious dinner! Love this artist's life! Painting number 2829 in 2829 days. This painting is now showing at the Weston Coffee Roastery! ❤
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Rock Island Tunnel
Today is the first Walktober event of the month, sponsored by the Kansas City Parks. I missed out on these last year since I was in Ohio, so I was glad to participate. The best part of this is getting to see places I've never been to. The Rock Island Trail is an old train route that is being expanded as a walking and biking trail. The tunnel is a cool one with lights in the ceiling - so there are no dark passages to ride through. The trail was busy today with bikers, walkers and artists! So fun to capture this lovely place - on such a gorgeous day - in oils! Painting number 2828 in 2828 days.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
October Sunflowers
It's getting harder to find these roadside sunflowers as the season progresses! On the news of a dear family friend under the weather, I instantly thought of her love of sunflowers, and had to paint them! The flower of Kansas, these are commonly found all over the rural pastures and roads. I have saved a bunch of seed which I will be tossing along my own fence lines, to ensure I never run out next year! Lol! These tangled beauties make for difficult compositions, so I normally paint them negatively. By filling in the sky holes, the sunflowers emerge. I find this easier than blocking in every stem and mass, at least at first. That is the next step, though! Painting number 2827 in 2827 days.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Wooden Bridge
I just found out that this painting of an old train trestle in Salem, Illinois won "Best Representation of West Salem" at the Edward's County Paint Out! It is such a nice surprise to find happy news in my email in box! With covid changing all events since March, this event is held without the artists in person this year. I sure miss getting to visit with everyone from the area and painting with fellow artists, but I'm very happy to still be participating in a socially distanced way! Thank you to Albion for hosting this event! Painting number 2826 in 2826 days
Edward's County Paint Out,
missouri artist,
plein air,
tammie dickerson,
train trestle,
West Salem,
wooden bridge
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Rusty Arbor Zinnias
This beautiful, rusty arbor called to me as I walked through the arboretum this morning. After a grueling workout at the gym, the flora and fauna here rejuvenated me, calling to me at every turn. Years ago, I painted this arbor when it was new, with a blushing pink climbing rose upon it. The planting has changed from a rose garden to a zinnia garden, perfect choice for the arbor's vintage feel. Using my oils over an old painting from 2011, I quickly get the masses in. Since I was painting over a fountain painting - I had to blot that structure out early. Once in loosely, it is fun to paint, allowing some of that background to peep through. It really adds a depth in a hurry, and I love the feel. Plus, reusing panels is always a great idea that saves me time and work! And, it's kind of fun to have a secret painting hidden underneath! Painting number 2825 in 2825 days.
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