Sunday, October 11, 2020

Berkley Riverfront Park


My first time here at Berkeley Riverfront Park has been so fun to capture in ink and watercolor!  Hosted by the Kansas City Parks and Rec, today's Walktober event started at 9:00.  After stamping for the quick paint, I checked both bridge views before walking along this path to get my gear.  How could I resist these glorious fall colors?  With leaves raining down in the wind, I sketched this scene with the ASB Railroad Bridge in the background.  Adding watercolor, I had to blow out debris from my palette a couple times.  Additionally, the wind dropped bugs, twigs and spiders on me - good thing I don't mind them!  The Heritage Trail runs along the Missouri River for 13 miles, reaching Kaw Point to the west. This painting was among the top 5 today - and I LOVED painting the emerging fall color!  I hope to get plenty more opportunities before leaf fall!!  Painting number 2834 in 2834 days. 

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