Sunday, April 12, 2020

Orange Tulips in Vase

A beautiful Easter morning turned windy and cold by late day.  Burning wood down at the pond until the rain really started, we headed for the house and dry clothes.  Once our late lunch was under way, I went out to find these poor tulips beat to the ground.  I brought them in, covered most of the others, and now I can get a little painting in.  The winds are blowing strong and it's going to 25 degrees tonight.  The multiple of spring blooms sure were gorgeous today.  I wonder what will be left after this.  Painting number 2656 in 2656 days.


  1. We are getting similiar weather here too. lovely painting-is this watercolor?

  2. Ohhhh Tammie I love this one. The background just makes the flowers pop.

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