Sunday, January 12, 2020


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Grabbing another new set of Watercolor Confections, the Complexion palette, I headed to the northern bird feeders.  With so many lovely browns, yellows, warm reds and black, I thought it the perfect choice for many birds.  As several cardinals were about, I took the opportunity to start my sketch of one on a branch. As I wet the brush to choose a red, I realized there were no vibrant reds.  Red oxide is simply not the color of a cardinal.  And as I reached for shadow shades, I was also disappointed. So, I abandoned that idea and went back to my old "go-to" set, and all was easy again.  There are not enough cool shades on that other palette for outdoor work.  I wonder if it will even work on portraits.  Painting number 2573 in 2573 days and a fabulous play off win for our KC Chiefs!!

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