Meyer Family Farm Oil on panel, 14x11 Private Estate Paint Augusta Plein Air Festival |
This beautiful barn rests near the bottom road on the Meyer Farm in Augusta, Missouri. The lane winds up to the top of the hill through wooded land and past an outbuilding on a quiet pond. Stables above, and a view overlooking that vast bottom land reward the artist at the overlook! So many paintings could be painted here - and yet, there is but one day to paint it! I was thrilled to have a wonderful old barn with character to paint - so I settled up the dirt path, sheltered from the coldest of winds by an old smokehouse to my left. I had sketched out the neighbor's barn with pastels (which I later finished in oil), before moving to this one. I had just packed up my gear and hauled it up to the top of the hill before the thunder and rain started. It was so pleasant to sit beneath the covered porches of the beautiful brick home, and visit with a little wine and a wonderful meal! Certainly a special treat after a day of painting! We moved next to a nocturne paint-out in downtown Augusta. This painting makes 500 in 500 days!! WOWZA! I never would have believed I could continue this long!
500 paintings in 500 days! I honestly don't know how you do it. I wouldn't even be able to do a drawing a day, let alone a finished painting. And each one is so beautiful. Congrats for keeping it up!