Saturday, May 31, 2014

Creek by the Western Trail

Creek by the Western Trail
Overland Park Arboretum
Oil on panel, 11x14
Stems Plein Air Event
I never tire of painting along the water.  The sounds of the water, frogs and birdsong lull me into a painting stupor where I can so easily lose track of time.  When painting so far from the entrance of the arboretum - and away from most of the crowds, I must set the alarm on my phone to ensure I don't get locked into the place!  This Wolf Creek is full of twists and turns, giving endless compositions to me.  This is the third one I have painted by the creek in the last two weeks.  The only drawback is the long hike.  So, once I am back there, I will paint two if time allows.  This time of year finds the greens in the water warming with golds and browns.  I love this color against the greening foliage.  It was at first a challenge to me, as my brain wants the reflections to mirror the colors of the trees - but they simply don't in real life.  So, I trust my eyes and paint the colors I see, and am rewarded with the scene as it is - not as my brain would make it!  I've been able to paint more this year at the arboretum than ever - and I hope to make it out tomorrow for the last day of the event!  Painting number 516 in as many days :)


  1. Well done on keeping up your lovely paintings! Valerie

  2. I do so much enjoy visiting your blog each week. I go back to see what you have made in the preceding days because I know you paint every day. This is such a calm, beautiful scene. I love the array of colors you have put in the painting to convey the real colors you see.

  3. you have done an incredible job of painting glorious scene everyday-what an accomplishment! Congrats on being the featured artist at PPF this week too!

  4. Your painting is beautiful. Loved the rich texture on the one that was featured on PPF this week.

  5. Continually amazed at the painting rate! This is just gorgeous. I see a peach tone throughout that is totally fantastic.

  6. congrats on being the featured artist this week on PPF Tammie. Loving your latest painting with all its wonderful lights and darks, hugs Annette x

  7. This is gorgeous - love those pinkish tones - you are amazing. You keep up this rate of painting and the quality is so wonderful.
