Saturday, August 31, 2024

Evening Phlox

Sometimes, I just need to get my oils out!  The phlox are fading with our heat of summer, but still they hang on next to the house.  Their fragrance is so heady and rich, it is a joy to paint them in the evening. Painting number 5149 in 5149 days. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Butterflies and Sunflowers

The butterflies and bees are all over these wild sunflowers - and so much fun to watch as I paint!  I even spotted a little worm inching up a stem, and if you look very closely, you'll see him too!  What started as blue skies, clouded over by the time I finished, but still no rain for us.  It's so incredibly dry here that I am watering again, just to keep this going.  Surely, we'll get a good rain soon!  Painting number 5148 in 5148 days. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rio Dragonfly

What fun to get in a quick painting in the garden before meeting high school friends for dinner!  I hear thunder but there's no rain yet, so I'm busy sketching and dropping in a little color.  The dragonfly in almost hidden - like a where's Waldo game in my painting! Now off to join my friends and catch up on life with each other!  Painting number 5147 in 5147 days. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Harvey's at Union Station

 It was such a fun morning sketching at Union Station with my oldest daughter and artist friends, Jean.  We ordered hot drinks and visited as we worked.  It is the first time Tiffany had joined in Monday morning paint outs - and she did such a great job!  I'm so excited for her newly found art journey!  With all the boys in school, she can join me more often!  Since she didn't need to be home until 2 - we sketched for an extra hour in the upper balcony!  This is the first painting in my new sketchbook - I can't wait to see what unfolds!  Painting number 5146 in 5146 days. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Marceline Wine Stroll

Painting this historic street has special meaning for me.  My Dad's mother and father grew up here, met and fell in love here.  I can imagine them walking down this street with siblings and friends from school, sharing their days and making plans for the future.  I wonder what these buildings were back then, and Walt Disney was just a boy in class and the families knew each other.  Mom is with me this weekend, and for the first time we are staying overnight.  It will be nice to not worry about the drive after such a busy day.  Painting number 5145 in 5145 days. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

On East California

There is something nostalgic about silos and grain bins by am old depot.  These places grace every small town in the Midwest, and many are now vacant.  I love all the architecture, and chose pen and ink for this painting.  I had a dry place to stand, though it was still raining when I started this one. My cotton paper has absorbed so much moisture from the atmosphere today, it's a wonder I didn't use my oils at all!  Mom waited in the dry car while I worked - and I think she even took a nap!  We're going to grab dinner later and join the wine stroll, too!  Painting number 5144 in 5144 days. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bridge Over the Water


I love painting in this park, nestled in the heart of Marceline - even in the rain!  After a grueling drive through torrential rain to get here this morning, I found myself ducking for cover soon after setting up.  So from under the beautiful new shelter in Ripley Park,  I was able to paint and stay reasonably dry.  I don't think I've ever worked on wetter cotton paper! Painting number 5142 in 5142 days, and I'm happy to receive an Honorable Mention on this too!

Friday, August 23, 2024



Another beautiful day in the garden, and I'm painting cosmos that are taller than I am!  Oh, how the pollinators LOVE them!  Tiffany, Michaela, Casper and Kirby joined me for a little ink and watercolor time today, as we played with our new Summer Fun palettes from Chubby Mermaid.  Tiffany painted a whole field of sunflowers, Michaela a single sunflower, and Casper painted so MANY paintings, starting with the sunflowers first!  I pulled out my journals to see what I need to do to complete them, and added a couple of entries to a brand new one, too.  I've been wanting to get to these cosmos blooms for days, and I'm so happy to finally get to them!  What a great day!  Painting number 5141 in 5141 days. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

August Sunflowers

Today was such a beautiful August day in the 70s,I just had to take advantage of it!  There was no garden work for me, only painting and a little observation.  With an unscheduled afternoon, I worked on a large painting in addition to this one, and organized my thoughts for some upcoming work.  I've painted this one on the dreaded 140lb cold pressed paper, and have made it work (though, I longed for my cotton paper the whole time)!  It seems I have to use it every once in a while, just to remember how much I love the other!  Painting number 5140 in 5140 days. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Looking Down Main Street

It was so fun to paint historic downtown Belton, and I can't believe I haven't done so before!  Lots of love has been given to these old buildings in recent years, and I love watching the progress!  Now, it's time to start painting some of these places so close to home.  Painting number 5139 in 5139 days. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



What a perfect day to spend with artist friends and family, in a garden, with ink and watercolor!  Michaela and the little ones joined me, so I found this lovely spot by the train garden to paint.  The boys played among the trains and in the caboose, while I finished.  We finished the day by stopping at the Cafe and gift shop.  The new Longhouse is such a great space for gathering!  Wish I could do this every single day!  Painting number 5138 in 5138 days. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Fuchsia Zinnias and Butterfly

It was a gorgeous morning to meet artist friends at the Overland Park Arboretum to paint!  We're enjoying cool August days, and I was actually chilly when I headed out.  Michaela and her little ones joined me for some time in the train garden after this paint.  I am using the new metallic palette (Summer Fun) that I just purchased from Chubby Mermaid on Etsy, and adding shimmers to some of my masses. Wow, how it sparkles in the sun!  I think I'm going to have plenty of summer fun with these jewels.  What a lovely way to start the day! Painting number 5137 in 5137 days. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Monarch and Sunflowers

Oh, I am having so much fun with these sunflowers!  The bees, birds and butterflies are enjoying them, too, as I spend a little time here with ink and watercolor.  I am exploring my colors a bit, and playing with a brand new artisan handmade watercolor palette, which I am using to embellish my strokes. It's a lovely rabbit hole to get lost in, and I'm looking forward to what unfolds! Painting number 5136 in 5136 days. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Two Sunflowers

 What a beautiful morning to paint in the garden! With ink and watercolor I capture the sunny scene before we head to Kirby's birthday party.  I can't believe our youngest grandbaby is now two!  Painting number 5135 in 5135 days. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Butterfly and Hydrangea


I remember the days I longed for hydrangea to paint, and now they bloom abundantly and I'm out in the garden painting!  It's all about the little things, after all.  I ripped this paper down to fit a frame I have, so it is an usual size at 4x2.5 inches.  Additionally, I am using new handmade artisan metallic watercolors that I bought from Chubby Mermaid, and they are amazing as they add a little sparkle to the petals and leaves.  I'm going to have fun exploring these beauties! I think this one is destined for Powell Gardens one of these days!  Painting number 5133 in 5133 days. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Beyond the Garden 2024


I am so honored this painting of the Overland Park Arboretum was commissioned by the City of Overland Park.  This painting will be carried to Germany and given as a gift to their Sister City, Bietigheim-Bissingen, where it will hang.  The arboretum is a crowning jewel in Overland Park, and the recent addition of the Long Building (on the hill) made this painting the perfect gift.  I'm so happy they reached out to me while I was traveling in Marblehead,Ohio.  I was strolling the bank of Lake Erie when I got the call.  What a lovely honor this is!  Painting number 5132 in 5132 days. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Windblown Sunflowers


These sunny blooms always inspire me to paint!  I only wish they lasted all year!  It's a bit of a trick to paint them on such a windy day, but the movement adds to the drama!  Using my oils and a fresh and loose stroke to get them down before my time runs out.  Painting number 5131 in 5131 days. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Big Creek Country


I hear this historic theater is a great place to take in a country show - I'm glad to get a chance to paint it while in charming Pleasant Hill!  Now that I know where it is, I'll have to catch a show with the family one night soon!  We're seeing a community theater production tonight at the Memorial Station in Belton.  Present Laughter sounds life the perfect ending to a wonderful day - and I'm sure Mom will especially love it!  Painting number 5130 in 5130 days. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Garden Phlox


I love how these phlox persevere through our hot, dry days - and they deserve to be painted again and again!  I only had a little time for this, because my days are filled with finishing commissions to ship or deliver next week.  It's been nice to return to my gym routine, try a new healthy recipe I got at the Yoga Bliss Festival, and schedule my days organically, allowing things to slip into their windows.  With lots of family time, that is sometimes a feat! Painting number 5126 in 5126 days. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bee and Black-eyed Susans


What a beautiful day to spend in the garden with my oils!  The cool front has brought delightfully cool weather for the next few days, and I am taking advantage!  Gardening, painting, and all things outdoors are on my schedule as I finish commissions at night.  The heat week build back in, but for now I'm basking in the.bliss! Now, it's time for a little roller skate fun with the family before getting back to work!  Painting number 5125 on 5125 days. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Wedding Table


It was a lovely evening to paint wedding memories, in such a beautiful place.  The Root restaurant in Augusta hosted the wedding dinner, and this lovely table welcomed guests with the Bridal bouquet and memorial photo.  How special is it to be part of such a meaningful celebration.  Painting number 5124 in 5124 days. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Kessler Farm Home


What a lovely place to land between sessions at the Yoga Bliss Festival in Augusta, Missouri.  I've painted different parts of this farm on multiple occasions, but this is my first time to paint the farmhouse.  It was nice to spend a little time with our hosts during our stay, and so gracious of them to welcome in my daughter, too.  I love making new memories here with two souls who are the salt of the earth.  Painting number 5123 in 5123 days. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Myo Yin at Yoga Bliss


What fun it was to paint a full Myo Yin session at the Yoga Bliss Festival today!  The classes and instruction here are like none I've experienced, and many come from far off places just to be a part of this.  The sharing and caring is real here, and this event is about so much more than yoga. Blessings abound in this space for all who enter here. Painting number 5122 in 5122 days.  

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Drum Circle


I have never painted a Drum Circle before - what an amazing experience during the Yoga Bliss Festival in Augusta, Missouri!  The sounds and energy seemed to vibrate right thru me as I painted from a corner.  There are so many interesting sessions in this festival!  Who knows what tomorrow will bring?  Painting number 5121 in 5121 days. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Sunflower Silos

After a hike in Klondike Park, my oldest daughter and I took a little time to paint these beautiful sunflower silos!  I love attending the Yoga Bliss Festival with her and sharing some of my favorite places, too!  What an exciting weekend it is turning out to be! Painting number 5120 in 5120 days.