Monday, August 8, 2022

Red Hed Lakeside Grill

It was a beautiful morning for painting on the Lake of the Ozarks!  Arriving at 6:30am, the water was calm and the breeze was cool.  I found my spot on the bridge to a dock, which would remain shaded as the day heated up.  I was close to the edge, so I had to be EXTRA CAREFUL to keep my supplies tucked away.  An errant brush or pen could roll right off the edge and into the lake below!  It is a luxury to start the day painting, with no worries about household chores.  I find I'm painting slower - because I don't have to rush.  It seems I'm forever watching the clock, squeezing in painting time between other obligations.  This is the first day of Lake of the Ozarks Plein Air, and I'm looking forward to a spending quality time with my paint!  Painting number 4299 in 4299 days. I'm honored to have won the Purchase Award at the Red Head Lakeside Grill for LOZ PleinAir! ! ❤️🎨

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