Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Zebra Plant


It is fun to sketch inside on this stormy day with a cup of hot tea and family.  I am working on a few butterfly paintings for Powell Gardens, so i added the little blue butterfly instead of the chicadees that were seeking shelter from the rain. After painting this beautiful zebra plant - I brought it home to enjoy in my own garden!  Painting number 5090 in 5090 days. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Crossandra and Butterfly

Today was our Monday Morning Watercolorist gathering at Family Tree Nursery in Shawnee. Mom joined me and Michaela and the boys met us there, along with artist friends. We drove through the pouring rain to get there, abs it was totally worth it to paint in their greenhouse as the rain hit the clear roof. There were a few leaks, but we sat strategically at a lovely wooden table in the clear.  After painting this tropical flower from Sri Lanka, we shopped and stopped by Bill and Evelyn's house for a visit. Tonight was an impromptu game night with Michael, Travis, Tiffany, Mom and my brother's family. Another super fun and busy family day!  I brought this beauty home to my own garden, too!  Painting number 5089 in 5089 days.