Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Snow Globe Boats


Snow Globe is such a beautiful ink for a seascape!  I love opening a new ink each day leading to Christmas - especially when I can discover one as chromatic as this!  The color bleeds into lovely turquoise and lavender on the wet paper, yet remains very dark when applied with a dip pen. The shifts are striking, and serene.  Though I'm inking every day, I find myself too busy to get them all posted, which means I'll be playing catch up and posting them later.  This one is from day 12 of the calendar, my oldest daughter's birthday. This day found us entertained by the goats, roasting marshmallows by the campfire, on nighttime "gater rides" with Nolan, Quinn and Layne, and playing a new card game with Michael dubbed Aww Shucks with Danny and the boys!  What fun the holidays bring, and it's small wonder I can't seem to get my posting in!  Painting number 5041 in 5041 days. 

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