Rose Rhapsody en Grande Oil over acrylic on wood panel, 48x72 sold |
This painting was a joy to create! The largest painting I have done to date - 48x72 inches, I thought it's sheer size would be a challenge. Instead, it was super fun - and very rewarding. I find myself wanting to work in larger and larger sizes.....if only I had that kind of time every day! This one took me days to finish, each morning looking with fresh eyes to see what else called to me. I really like to live with a painting like this for a while, until I am sure it is ready to go out into the world! I was finally able to use ALL of my large brushes, and the strokes are just the same as in a much smaller piece. The hardest part was getting far enough back to really see how the painting was coming together as a whole! It has been a pleasure and I'm SO happy this has been delivered to such a wonderful home! Painting number 925 in 925 days - although this was many days to completion!
in progress |
still in progress |
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