Monday, January 6, 2025

Pin Oak in the Snow

Oh what a lovely snow we have after yesterday's blizzard! Only the 4th one in KC's history, it was glorious to behold. Wild and blowing, it was hard to see into the pasture.  This is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and I hope to get several more paintings in the snow completed before it melts.  Thank goodness for the extreme cold this week, though it will take me a few days to acclimate!  My fingers were pretty cold by the time I got back inside today!  Painting number 5060 in 5060 days. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Landscape in Tundra


Tundra by Diamine is the perfect ink for a snowy day!  We are actually in the middle of a Blizzard warning, only the fourth in Kansas City's history.  The snow is gorgeous and blowing large and small flakes everywhere.  I was out a couple times before the temps dropped and the wind increased.  Being homebound offers so many opportunities to catch up on things that I'm looking forward to being snowed in!  I think I'll organize my pastels next, they seem to be calling my name!  Painting number 5059 in 5059 days. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Gingerbread House

I loved meeting artist friends with Tiffany at the Urban Sketchers KC event at Family Tree Nursery this morning!  Though the winter storm was fast on our heels, we had time to sketch in the greenhouse and enjoy the light and foliage!  This gingerbread house is new in the Cafe seating at the Shawnee nursery. So of course, I had to sketch it!  I'm using ink and watercolor in a new leather sketch bag I picked up in Branson.  The ATC miniature sketch I left as a thank you for allowing us in to sketch today. I think this is the first time I've been here in January!  It was the perfect way to spend our last morning out before becoming ice abs snow bound!  And now, I'm looking forward to painting snow!! Painting number 5058 in 5058 days. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Noble Fir Woods

This lovely, almost cad green hue is Diamine's Noble Fir ink from day 3 of their Inkvent Calendar.  It shows a little chroma as it bleeds into wet masses, and a glass dip pen adds a darker layer while still damp.  I want to walk along the bank of this water, exploring further into these woods.  There is so much depth that can be achieved with one ink and a miniature ATC sized paper. Now, we're off to a game of Spades at Mom's tonight!  Painting number 5057 in 5057 days. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January Cedar


To add watercolor, or not, it's my afternoon quandary.  My inclination was to leave it at pen and ink, but there is a little voice nudging me to add the color.  I'm beginning a brand new sketchbook and taking advantage of the warmest day in the foreseeable future (after helping Micheal touch up a few spots in the apartment he's moving out of and finishing a few errands). A big snow, 8 to 12 inches, is expected Sunday!  The leather journal accepts the ink well on it's butter soft paper, and I'm beginning with a few thoughts and wants for the new year.  With this sketch I'm ticking off a couple of boxes - spend more time in the woods and journal more.  I'm looking forward to watching these new pages emerge through the coming months!  Painting number 5056 in 5056 days. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Parsley Seeds


I was just sharing seeds with Rebekah when I only found one flat leafed parsley seed in my collection. The very next day I found this parsley plant growing in my garden!  It's been so warm and misty that many plants think spring is here! I brought it inside, hoping it will grow in my hydroponic system!  It's a little wilty now, but I sketched the leaves before the droop.  

In the new year I want to plant more, paint more, and fill out some of my sketchbooks, among other things.  So, here I am on day 1, ticking three of my boxes and pursuing a desire to sketch my own seed packets, too!  Yay for starting the year off right and having some family time with Tiffany and Gus, Tyler, Nolan, Quinn and Layne.  It's always a great day when those darlings come to play!  Painting number 5055 in 5055 days. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Sunset Sleigh Ride


Happy New Year's Eve! I hope you all have an amazing New Year!  Before heading out to celebrate the ringing in of the new year with a family game night, I am sketching a sunset landscape in Sleigh Ride red ink by Diamine, day 15 in the Inkvent Calendar.  The red is lovely and softens when applied to wet areas, getting pretty dark when heavily applied.  It's so fun to play with the inks and pens!  Painting number 5054 in 5054 days. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Wishing Tree

This ink from the Diamine Inkvent Calendar is misty and moody, abs called Wishing Tree. It reminds me of the Disney Dreaming tree at Walt Disney's  boyhood home.  I love the way it moves with water, and on wet paper.  It's perfect for the winter landscape.  This ink is day 9 of the calendar, and perfectly suited for today's weather.  Now, I'm off to more family fun at Mom's with a Poker Tournament!  Painting number 5052 in 5052 days. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Winterberry Santa

Santa has been very busy on his journey around the world, and now he's dozing off.  Winterberry is another lovely fountain pen ink from the Diamine Inkvent Calendar, and a perfect color to use on Sleepy Santa.  I sketched this one lightly with India ink first, then went in with glass dip pen and Winterberry red.  I used a little water to move the ink, then a little more ink with the pen to finish. I love this beautiful pen, too.  It's a work of art on it's own!  Painting number 5053 in 5053 days. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Michaela and Casper

I normally do this type of drawing in graphite on Bristol, but I've chosen ink and handmade paper instead.  I use ink so much now that it seems a natural choice, though it was a bit of a challenge.  I started this years ago, and did not feel it was complete, so I left it unfinished.  This is something I almost never do, and it felt brand new to return to it.  It was much easier to finish now,  and I could see what was needed.  I feel so happy to have finally finished this, and love that it will now have a new home.  Painting number 5052 in 5052 days. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Icy Liac Winter

Icy lilac is such a luscious ink for a winter landscape.  The Diamine Inkvent Calendar is something I look forward to each year, and this one does not disappoint!  I use my glass dip pen to sketch the scene first.  Next, I wet the masses i want to be loose, and drop the ink in.  It spreads as turquoise and pink emerge.  I go back in with a little more ink to those areas i want to boost the contrast.  I love working in miniature, too, especially during such a family packed time!  Painting number 5051 in 5051 days. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Sparrows Jingle

I really enjoy watching the little birds in my yard!  The sparrows are so social, they group around the feeders and bushes, chattering in a cheerful way.  They've grown used to the jingle bells I've hung near them, so it's easy to sketch them in their habitat.  With ink and watercolor I complete this small painting, another in this year's Christmas card series.  I love my sketch time spent ioutdoors, it's so very peaceful here.  Painting number 5050 in 5050 days. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas at IUnion Station

This has been another wonderful Christmas spent with family - with the special treat of Bill and Evelyn in attendance! They are normally in Arizona by this time, but we are lucky to have them home for the holidays!  For the first time ever we broke with tradition, and has a Mexican burrito bowl feast for dinner!  This might be the first Christmas without a large turkey, and I don't think it was missed!  Mom enjoyed visiting with Mike's parents, and the kids had a blast inside and out!  The Chiefs win was icing on the cake although I didn't see much of it with all the cooking!  Union Station is an all time favorite painting place, especially in the evening!  The place absolutely glows! Wishing you all the merriest of Christmases, and a new year full of family and friends!  Painting number 5049 in 5049 days.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Santa at the Christmas Tree


It's a Merry Christmas Eve to capture Santa at the tree - as I finish all those last details with a mug of hot tea!  I'm sending out love and light to all tonight, as preparations wrap up.  On such a night, memories flood back from past Christmas eves, when we waited for all the kids to be asleep before setting out all the presents. Santa would come in the night to fill stockings and to leave something special for each girl and boy.  I loved the days when the house was full and big hugs were just around the corner.  When the family all gathers here tomorrow, we will be a large bunch indeed, and it will be another Christmas of cherished memories together.  Painting number 5048 in 5048 days. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Santa Painting the Nutcracker

I love the vintage feel of black and white whether in ink, graphite or paint. I've been using many mediums lately, bouncing from one to another daily!  I've picked up acrylics for this one as I also work on a commission at the same time.  Santa is hard at work these last days before Christmas, and i love capturing it all in paint!  Merry Christmas Eve Eve!  Painting number 5047 in 5047 days. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lullaby Skier


Another cool ink from Diamine - Lullaby is a dreamy, pink ink!  I'm looking forward to exploring all that it can do - when I have more time, lol!  I'm using scrap pieces of watercolor that I really don't care for, which is why I've cut them down to experiment with!  Ever frugal, I don't waste anything, so I power through the 140lb cold pressed paper.  This pink is lovely, and an unlikely landscape color, but I like it anyway!  Who says all my colors must be based on realism?  I've worked hard for that artistic license!  Painting number 5046 in 5046 days. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Thoughtful Santa


Santa Claus is on my easel tonight as I burn the midnight oil.  This day has been filled with side by side rides, outdoor and indoor fun as we gathered  with Danny and the boys on this last day in town.  So, I'm coming to my easel late and I'm also working on my Christmas cards - which I'm also getting to much later than ever.  This season has had me busy getting paintings out right up to the last minute!  Which is awesome, and has also set me back on getting my own work done.  I think Santa understands all about that.  Painting number 5045 in 5045 days.  

Friday, December 20, 2024

Shiny Ornaments


It's fun to squeeze in a painting during all the fun holiday festivities with family!  I LOVE this time of year! This day started with a goat emergency, one was being chased by the others and was limping.  After calling for reinforcements. I was off to Casper's Christmas party at preschool.  I arrived home in time to prepare for Aunt Diana and Uncle Ed to come visit. Danny and boys, Mom, Tiffany and family all joined the fun, too, which we watched Kirby and Casper.  The campfire was also fun, though we didn't stay out long in this cold night!  Painting number 5044 in 5044 days. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Marley Woods


Marley a moody, chromatic ink with a sepia vintage feel to it.  This is another of Diamine's inks that I will  explore further in the winter months!  SO many ideas, so little time! This is a miniature paper at ATC size, and a dip pen and a little water is all I need to make the magic happen.  I spent most of the day outside, working on my Christmas cards - and it was GORGEOUS out there!  How many Decembers have I been able to do that?!!  The icing on the cake was a visit with my a Aunt Gladys, Uncle Clayton and cousin Carla with Danny and the boys, topped off with a game of Spades to finish the day!  What a great day!  Painting number 5043 in 5043 days. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Jingle Wren

This sweet Carolina wren is one of several that nest all around the place. I find their nests in watering cans, hanging baskets and even on my enclosed back porch when they find a way in!  I've hung a few red bells in their favorite places, and it is fun to watch their reactions!  At first, they were leary of the tinkle, but soon they got close and even pecked at them.  I'm painting these sweet birds for my Christmas cards, and choosing to do them simply, without the noise of a background to detract from the focus.  I like to get quiet and become one with my subject, and let all else fall away.  And then I finish, and the countless duties of the day are calling, and I rejoin the world once more  painting number 5042 in 5042 days.