While working on this painting, I was a little too aggressive with my journal, trying to separate the last pages which were glued too much into the margin. As you can see - I created more work for myself, now having to reglue and stitch this back together. I'll be more careful next time! I used a medium black Pitt pen to sketch out these water lilies at the arboretum. Next, I used my largest water brushpen to lay in the colors. The larger brushes work more effectively on this rough paper, allowing plenty of water onto the surface. While wet, I drop in more pigment as necessary, to bump up the intensity as watercolors lighten as they dry. Jumping back and forth from the fountain pen to this technique is fun. I like to mix things up regularly! Painting number 1636 in 1636 days.
The water lilies are very beautiful. There's a lovely, peaceful feel to this piece Tammie. Cheers :D)