Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa Admires the Tree

Santa Admires the Tree
Oil on panel, 6x8
Feeling nostalgic as the freezing rain is falling outside, I am painting Santa as he comes upon the beautiful Christmas tree.  I had so much fun painting  yesterday - my first ever Santa - I wanted to jump in and another!  Choosing instead a vintage mood for this one, I started with the lights.  When going with the glow of the lights, I find it easiest to mark out all the light areas before starting on the darks.  From those two, I then work into the mid tones, keeping the highlights warm and the shadows cool.  A friend suggested I paint Santa the first week of December, and now that I've tried it - I may just paint them every day until Christmas!  Well, I guess it is time to start on the cookies for tomorrow - our first Christmas dinner of the week is at my Aunt Diana's house, and I'm hoping we keep those snow totals down overnight!  Painting number 349 in 349 days - only four days left until Christmas!!