
Monday, September 19, 2016

Vineyard at Noboleis

This morning started with a wonderful group of artists, each relatively new to painting en plein air.  Noboleis Winery was gracious to allow me to hold my workshop in their vineyard!  Could there be a more gorgeous setting than this vineyard for class?  After going over some tried and true plein air tips, everyone set up their easels and I started to sketch the composition.  I took my demo to the block in stage, then circulated as they all progressed towards the same.  Checking at each stage to make sure all were on track, I finished my demo.  I love seeing how each artist progresses through a painting.   It is as individual as handwriting!   Each walked away with a beautiful vineyard landscape and a new tool to help them find their composition in the field.  Helping other artists further their skills is SO rewarding!   This painting was my first of three on Saturday!   Painting number 1354.on 1354 days :)


  1. you got beautiful blog here ,loved your profile pic so much .
    this painting is reminding me of my lovely village where i passed my childhood.amazingly beautiful .
    have blessed days

  2. It's a beautiful painting. How wonderful of you to teach others. I am so impressed by you and your art!
