
Saturday, February 29, 2020

To the Beach

The days of sun and sand are nearly over, and I've relished every moment. It has been a joy capturing the moods of this gulf coast water, ever trying to catch those moments in oil.  I truly see the need for cerulean blue, where I've never used it before.  All these dreamy sun washed colors have been so fun to explore!   Alreadt looking forward to returning and studying this coastline again!  Painting number 2618 in 2618 days.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Sunset on the Beach

What better way to end the day than a sunset paint on the gulf coast of Florida?  Pretty amazing light in this part of the country!  It is amazing to me how much my palette changes from one region to the next, and I love exploring the full range with my oils!  One day soon I will return to the cold to await those days of spring.  Painting number 2617 in 2617 days!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Morning with Hogarth

What a treat to accept an invitation to paint dockside at Duckworth Steel Boats this morning!  Cold and breezy, I layered up and set my easel at water's edge.  The whole place was full of steel and tools, where many complicated paintings could be had.  I loved the way the W.T. Hogarth set in the scene, with colors playing on the water and the weathered dock at it's side.  Mostly cloudy, the sun popped out occasionally, illuminating the scene.  I worked quickly to get those colors, within the masses, looking again and again at my subject.  A complicated subject, I probably should have sketched it out first in ink.  I opted for drawing it on with paint, adjusting the lines where needed as I progressed.  Observation is the largest part of the work here, and I really enjoyed studying this beauty as the boat builders worked all around me.  How cool it has been to slip into this scene for the morning!  Painting number 2616 in 2616 days.

White Sand and Sun

After several beach paintings, I finally feel like I have a handle on the color in this landscape!  Depending on the sunlight, this sand appears peachy pink to full out warm white - and all else shifts likewise with the sun!  The clear water also changes drastically from a warm yellow turquoise to a slate blue gray with heavy cloud cover.  I could paint here every day and each painting would be so different.  Perhaps I should stay here until I have completely mastered this beachscape?  I think I'm going to need LOTS OF PRACTICE.  LOTS AND LOTS.  Painting number 2615 in 2615 days.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Croton Petra

Waking early to walk out and have my hot tea by the pool, I was drawn to the brilliant color in the foliage of this tropical plant!  I've never seen these growing in the earth before - and it's size and color were dazzling!  So, I set up my easel with my hot tea at my side, and started laying down thick paint to define those fabulous leaves!  I really do love applying that thick, juicy paint - it is very satisfying indeed!  What better way to start my day?  Painting number 2614 in 2614 days.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Wheel Fun Rentals

This has been a fabulous day for painting, full of sun, sand and warm gulf coast breezes!  This cheerful place has called my name since I first stepped foot on the island - and today I am answering that call!!  It's fun to visit with the locals as they walk these white sand beaches!  Everyone is so friendly.  How could you not be in a place like this?  I find I am losing track of time as I work - who cares what time it is?  Life's too short for watching the clock!  Painting number 2613 in 2613 days.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Trail in Dunedin

After a day of family time and lunch in downtown Dunedin, I grabbed my stool from the trunk and sketched this street scene right from the bike trail that runs down the coast through these vintage towns.  With plenty of shopping and entertainment, this was certainly a day well spent.  The icing on the cake was a sunset run on the causeway out to Honeymoon Island.  I think that island needs to be explored in paint!!  Painting number 2612 in 2612 days.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Morning at Brooker Creek

Each new painting adventure leads me to parts unknown, each with it's own beauty to translate into paint.  This beautiful spot is the Brooker Creek Preserve, and I am standing on the boardwalk bridge over the known alligator habitat.  I saw many birds, fish jumping, and heard large animal noises from under the bridge - but I never actually saw the gator.  A very peaceful place, it was so relaxing to stand here and paint, soaking up my surroundings.  This painting was my favorite of the three day event - so I entered it for judging, and we could only enter one.  What an honor to win an award on it at the Tarpon Springs Paint and Photo reception last night!  I definitely want to return next year to paint again!  Painting number 2611 in 2611 days.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Looking down Safford

After turning in my week's artwork at the Heritage Museum, I had to get out and paint one more!  This street scene has been on my mind since I rolled into town Tuesday, and I finally got to it!  The vintage charm, colored awnings and palm trees in pots hooked me at first sight!  It's not everyday I get to paint a scene like this!  What a great place Tarpon Springs is to paint! Painting number 2610 in 2610 days.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Morning at Howard Park

Oh my, what a day!  A deeply overcast morning gave way to this bright and beautiful afternoon - and the perfect beach scene for this quick paint!  Painting large at 10x20,  I really wanted this format for this scene.  So many wonderful people visited while I worked, and I had a fabulous time capturing the scene.  I had to pack up a little early to make it back to check in on time, but the extra distance was really worth the work. I just had to paint this beach!  So honored to win an award for this!  Painting number 2609 in 2609 days.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Beach at Fred Howard Park

I spent all day painting on this sliver of land, three different sides and views.   A pair of dolphins swam nearby, and many different birds stopped by.  Visitors came by and a starfish was found on the beach, a little girl put it in the water to see it come back to life.  All of this soaked in to my painting as I laid down those strokes of paint.  It is as important to slow down and really take the time to observe my landscape as I paint.  It happens naturally here, with the rhythmic waves, sound of gulls, and gulf coast breezes on my face.  I think I could get used to this, especially in February!  Painting number 2608 in 2608 days.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tarpon Avenue and S. Safford View

I could certainly get used to painting in shorts and sandals in February!!  For my very first day landing on the streets of Tarpon Springs, I wanted to paint the whole scene from Safford, looking down Tarpon Avenue.  This beautiful vintage town on the gulf coast of Florida is beautiful in every direction!  How on earth will I decide what to paint next?!  Painting number 2608 in 2608 days.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Lake Barkley State Park Trail

When I opened my favorite TWSBI pen for a quick drawing, the ink would not flow correctly. Not wanting to climb down the rocks to rinse the nib, I grabbed the next one.  It flowed nicely from my pen but as I looked down, it was also on my hands and it appeared that some had burst forth in the cap!  What on earth?  Just then a visitor starts chatting me up as I nonchalantly try to wipe ink from my hands!  A few minutes later I am using the tiny bit of water in my brush pen to reduce the stains on my hands.  I still didn't want to climb down rocks to wash up in the lake!  I guess the pressure of the previous week's flight to Arizona had wrecked havoc with my pens! They were fine while there but I had not used these since!  Now I will know to check them!  What I intended for a watercolor turned into an ink due to the excess amounts dropped from said pen!  Another plein air adventure!  Painting number 2607 in 2607 days.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Lake Barkley View

I hardly had enough light to see my color when I stopped painting.  Trying to finish one before going up for dinner (which was AMAZING), I had no idea what I would find until I opened it up in the morning.  It's a little rough, but the colors are true.  I'm happy to have caught that fleeting sunset on the water before it vanished!  I will definitely be back - this place has gorgeous views in every direction!  Painting number 2607 in 2607 days.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Looking up the Lane

With so much to do on this Valentine's Day - it was hard to sneak in a painting before sunset!  Love this snowy look up the lane - and I'm happy to capture it before the snow melts again! Just a sliver of sanity in a crazy day full of family and packing!  Painting number 2606 in 2606 days!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Yellow Barn in Snow

Oh, I am so glad the sun is out!  It looks like a warm winter day, but oh the temps are still so cold!  Most schools are closed today due to the windchill factors, so my usual gym classes were also cancelled.  I hate to miss - but I love the extra morning hours to get a jump start on my day!  Again I have my oils - how could I choose anything else with a landscape like this?  As I post this photo, I can already see that I should loose a few edges on that pin oak to the right - I'll have to do that before the paint dries!  I have topped off my palette and have half of my frames ready to take to Florida.  It will certainly be a big change from this week's weather - and I'm going to really enjoy it!!  Painting number 2605 in 2605 days.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pin Oak in the Snow

I was watching that snow fall from the first flakes this morning.  With plenty of time to get to the gym and run a few errands, I kept an eye on the snow.  Oh how I longed to be painting!  Finally arriving home, I grabbed my oils and began.  No sketch, nor prep, just the main event.  I think I had already been painting in my mind as I watched that snowfall with intent!  Such a treat to paint some lovely snow between trips to Arizona and Florida!  Perfect timing!  Painting number 2604 in 2604 days.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dubuque Clock Tower

I pre-sketch almost every painting or metal piece in the field before I start in the destined medium.  Sometimes, I get so busy that I tuck those sketches away in bags and pochades, to be found much later when I run across the forgotten drawings.  I guess that is one of the hazards of daily painting!  The sketch above was actually my way of being sure of my composition before starting it in copper.  I needed to make sure it worked, because once I start on the metal it can be very hard to make a correction.  When asked by a patron for any Dubuque pieces I might have left, I searched and found this one of the iconic Clock Tower downtown.  Such a lovely place!  Painting number 2603 in 2603 days.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Suburban Lawn and Garden

I couldn't resist these tables full of blooms, tropicals and succulents!!  Garden centers are wonderful places full of plants, pots and structure - an ideal place for an artist to compose and paint - and this place is one of my favorites!  Suburban Lawn and Garden is a gracious host - offering sustenance as we sketch.  What a treat to spend the morning inside among the flowers on a cold, winter day!  This painting is number 2602 in 2602 days!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Pin oak

Today I am playing with pen and ink on wet handmade cotton rag paper.  By brushing the paper wet with a brushpen, I allow the glisten to dry off before putting pen to paper.  There is still quite a bit of spread - which lends itself well to the branches of the tree.  I am using a favorite TWSBI fountain pen loaded with Colorverse Black Hole.  This ink is very dark, almost black.  The violet tones really come out with the addition of water in a brushpen.  Painting number 2601 in 2601 days.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Suburban Lawn and Garden is a warm, inviting place to paint during the cold winter days in Missouri.  The Art Mob meets here to paint about once a year - and out host is generous indeed!  With cookies, a veggie tray and pizza they welcomed us to their nursery for a morning well spent!  What could be better than sketching with artist friends in such a wonderful environment?  Painting number 2600 in 2600 days.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Blevin Trail

What a joy it is to hike a new trail in the Arizona mountains!  The mountains make a fabulous backdrop to the desert landscape - and the gardener in me LOVES exploring the local cacti in the wild!  The Blevin trail is an beautiful hike through the desert, crossing a couple of washes in this rocky terrain.  There were several horses and riders on these trails - it was fun to see them!  It felt just like stepping into a western movie!  Painting number 2599 in 2599 days.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Superstition Mountain

Superstition Mountain is a stand out in the Arizona landscape - especially in this light!  Taking some time to see the Goldfield ghost town with the family, these mountains are the backdrop for the town.  The weather is perfect - and almost always sunny - which is certainly a welcome treat this time of year!  I think I will be returning to snow and cold - but this February day, I bask in the sun!!  Painting number 2598 in 2598 days.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Grapefruit Tree

The branches of this grapefruit tree are heavy with fruit!  Love how the air is fragrant with fruit!  With gentle winds, this is a pleasant day spent outside, soaking up the sun.  Too soon I will be returning to snow, and I will remember these days as I shiver in the pasture!  Painting number 2597 in 2697 days.

Cactus Clump

The very best thing about spending some time in Arizona in February is the warm weather!  Flowers are in bloom, there's not a cloud in the sky, and 70 degrees is pretty awesome.  I do love painting in the snow - but oh how comfortable it is right here!  This beautiful cactus is at least four feet tall, with spreading arms reaching to the sky. I am missing a favorite India ink pen, and am using a ball point pen in a few places to make do!  Haha!  I am forever pulling out pens and forgetting to get them back in my bags!  Painting number 2594 in 2594 days.

Monday, February 3, 2020


Oh I was so excited when I saw the boxes of oranges lined up by the road in front of one of the houses!  Local residents put their overflow fruit out by the road for others to pick up.  Our oranges are nearly gone from our tree - so I headed by to the house to get a bag.  Only a half mile away, I decided to just grab this box to share with our families.  Far heavier than I realized, I did get it back before my arms gave out.  Ready for a shower after my 2 mile run, I left mom and Evelyn peeling juicy oranges to eat.  When I got out of the shower the looks on their faces were no longer glowing - and I found a plate of very white slices from inside of these "oranges" - and they are tart as grapefruit!  What a disappointment!  So, of course I had to paint them.  Just another plein air/running adventure.  I will taste test the next batch in the field before ever bringing them back!  Painting number 2593 in 2593 days.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Citrus and Palm

As I sit on the tile in my bare feet, sipping hot tea with lemon fresh from the tree, I begin to sketch.  A few slices from the orange just picked, and I begin to add color.  The delightful sunny day is sweet reward for standing in the cold snow just a few days ago.  The light is so strong, the air so dry, I am definitely not in Missouri anymore!  What a joy to greet the morning like this.  All I need is a run and I am ready for the BIG GAME!!!!  GO CHIEFS!!!  Painting number 2592 in 2592 days.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Mesa Palm

Oh how I love the warm, sunny FEBRUARY days of Arizona!  This gorgeous palm sits out back, basking in that strong sunlight.  What a joy to shed boots and coats for this warmer clime!  As the quail dot in and out of the oleander shade, I watch and sketch.  It takes a little observation to shift my color palette from snowy winter to sunny desert - so on this first painting I get acclimated!  Painting number 2591 in 2591 days.