
Friday, May 31, 2019

Waterfall in the Garden Inked

I like to sketch my compositions in ink before committing the scene in paint. I use an India ink pen to sketch out the scene, and then switch to a more water soluble ink that will move with a little water.  My favorite is Levenger Raven Black. It is rich and velvety black, it simply makes a drawing sing.  Can't wait to paint the prairie tomorrow!  Painting number 2335 in 2335 days.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rambling Water in the Garden

The water gardens have really held my attention this last week!  I've never painted this upper stream that feeds the double waterfalls before, but this year they really called out to me.  The upper waterfall in the distance grabbed me, and that winding trail of water had to be painted. It was fun to talk to visitors in the garden - the children showed me the tadpoles at my feet, and I had no idea they were there!  Painting number 2334 in 2334 days.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Steps to the Garden

After a tough morning at the gym, I was ready to unwind.  With the temperature hovering 70, and an overcast, windless day, the conditions couldn't be better for  painting.  This garden had been on my mind, I even woke up thinking I would paint here this morning.  It is a cool, secluded garden, the stone path winding through in a poetic way.  Perennials and annuals newly planted, line the beds, and the steps lead to Margaret's Pond.  With birdsong and leaf rustle to serenade me, I spent a tranquil afternoon capturing this scene in oils.  Painting number 2333 in 2333 days.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nightfall at the Creek

Running later than normal with my daughter, the darkness in the shadows along the trail were very appealing. I find these deep, reflective landscapes a good companion in recent months. I returned with my paints and dodged a little rain in the process. I can see already a shift or two I would like to make. I can probably do it with my finger, they are often the last tool I use!  Painting number 2332 in 2332 days.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Retreat in the Woods

Before I even started sketching, the rain began to fall.  Arriving on sight and scouting took just a little bit, grabbing a few items from a wonderful breakfast buffet took a few more mintues, and enjoying the best bloody Mary I've ever had took a few mintues more.  As a result to my very leisurely start, I missed that dry weather window, making things a bit more difficult for myself.  No worries!  I was able to get the drawing done from shelter, but I never did get my oils out. It was pouring, and without the opportunity to get paint on a dry panel before the rain, it would not work.  So, I went in for another drink and a cookie, and this painting now resides here, too!  Painting number 2331 in 2331 days.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Double Waterfall

This is the second time I've painted in this garden this week. I couldn't get this landscape off my mind, I wanted to paint it in a longer format.  Thinking I would choose 6x12, I brought several panels with me in case I changed my mind.  I did, I wanted to use the 8x16. It is only the second time I've painted that size, and I really like it.  I feel like I can really interpret the scene better with a few more inches of space.  There are a few more landscapes rolling around my mind, I hope to get them painted before turn in on Thursday!  Painting number 2330 in 2330 days.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Waterfall in the Woods

With our recent rainfall, the waterfalls at the arboretum are stunning!  I've been drawn to them, and the cool stillness in this wooded area is very appealing.  I begin with an ink sketch, using a square paper this time.  With so many shades of green, I am mixing plenty, and starting with the cool greens in back.  Sketching so many stones, I finally realize that if I round off the rectangular shapes, they are so much more realistic!  Why has it taken me years to figure this out? Another day, another lesson!  Painting number 2329 in 2329 days.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Afternoon in the Train Garden

So much work has been done on this train garden since I've been to the arboretum!  The veronica was in full bloom - pulling me to it's side to paint!  A very complicated scene, this one took me longer to paint than most.  It was nice to have the luxury of time on this dry afternoon, I've been dodging rain for weeks now!  Planning to finish three today, I only completed two.  Perhaps I'll make up the difference tomorrow!  Painting number 2329 in 2329 days.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Waterfall in the Garden

Finally - a dry day for painting in the Overland Park Arboretum!  The water garden is stunning this year with purple allium and yellow blooms to set off the waterfall.  Though I try to find a shaded place from which to paint, it isn't always possible.  So, I stood out in the sun (which turned overcast) to get this view.  Only in the 70's, it was a perfect day for painting.  The gardens are bursting with blooms - many late flowers mixing with those who are on time.  I'm going to have fun capturing these gorgeous gardens at the arboretum!  Painting number 2327 in 2327 days.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Creek Along Katy Trail

Arriving before an early morning broadcast at Good News Brewing Co for Great Day St Louis, this scene pulled me immediately in.  I really enjoy painting during these broadcasts!  Visitors to the show come by to see the progress, as a camera man zooms in around each of the artists, sometimes right over my shoulder.  Time flies and the painting takes on a life of it's own. Cold and damp, I was shivering by the time the broadcast ended, but had this painting to show for my effort. It was the first one to sell on show day.  Painting number 2327 in 2327 days.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Peony Impressions

Oh how I love these pink peonies!  The fragrance is intoxicating, wafting through the house as I paint.  Stormy weather has kept me inside, and I'm so glad I saved these beauties from the rain!  I draw my composition with paint, using a 10x10 format for this one.  I needed the square shape for those big round blooms to balance.  Then it is all masses and values until I reach the place where that little voice pronounces, "it is done! " Painting number 2326 in 2326 days.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Garden Peonies

These peonies were first given to me by Grandma Bessie, many years ago.  Each year they grow more beautiful, and I look forward to painting them.  After a morning of family time and a little shopping, the rain was already starting when we arrived home.  Picking a handful of blooms, I brought them inside for a little still life.  Using ink and watercolor today, I may pull out my oils tomorrow - if the rain doesn't let up!  Painting number 2325 in 2325 days.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Farm on Z

After painting a complicated street scene in ink, I hitched a ride back to this farm (from a friend who was returning to check on me) and started painting.  With just a little time before turn in at the Quarry, I chose an 8x10 to paint.  Working fast and loose, I captured that golden light as it spread across the farm.  Loved all those angles and the cows that meandered in the pasture.  Sometimes that paint just flows off the end of my brushes. Painting number 2324 in 2324 days.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Rural Missouri Creek

As we drive across Missouri to Michaela's graduation ceremony at Missouri S&T, I am urban sketching from my lap as I look out the window!  I've noticed a few things while working from a moving vehicle. My pen and paintbrush move with inertia as we twist and turn in increasingly smaller roads.  I took several long seconds looking at this scene, before it was gone, and sketched those lines super fast.  Laying color is easy, at the light and color remained the same as I referenced what was out the window.  It would have been far easier to paint a cloudscape, maybe I'll do that tomorrow!  Painting number 2323 in 2323 days.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Place to Linger

After gourmet donuts at the Robin's Nest paint out, it was time for a sketch before painting.  Love the cheerful color palette here, makes for wonderful paintings!  I do the ink lines with my fountain pen and an India ink pen, then follow with my watercolor half pans.  Once the painting is finished, I move on to shopping!  Robin really has some great finds - and two less bags after I left!  Painting number 2322 in 2322 days.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Snowball Blooms

This snowball bush always blooms around Mother's Day, and the big white blooms are a showstopper.  Mike's mom was the first person I knew with such a bush, and we planted ours soon after we moved in many years ago.  I spent 8 hours in the flowers today, so it was only natural to bring a few blooms in to paint after dark!  I have always loved big round blooms of all kinds and these were a joy to paint!  Best way to end the day!  Painting number 2321 in 2321 days.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Barn through the Trees Inked

The private estate paint is always a secret, until we caravan out to the location.  What a delight to arrive on these 130 acres, with all manner of landscape to paint!  I landed right here down the winding lane to the barn, where I first sketched this scene.  I can't wait to return one day to create more paintings!  Painting number 2320 in 2320 days.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Cabin Garden

The rich yellow blooms in this kitchen garden pulled me right in, and the wonderful lines of the composition held me there!  Rich in history, the Daniel Boone home is a favorite painting spot. Although rain threatened, I set my easel right out in the elements to get the best view of the garden, tilting my panel downward in case of rain.  If I can keep it dry until it is fully covered with paint, then I won't need to worry about a few raindrops.  The very overcast day led to a rich and color saturated landscape - one that I really loved painting.  I may just try this in a larger size, especially since the original found a new home!  Painting number 2319 in 2319 days.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Barn in the Meadow

This barn on a distant hill caught my eye while I scouted painting locations at the Daniel Boone home.  After sketching and painting the garden, I returned to this creek to draw that scene in ink.  I love the peaceful rustle of foliage as I work, with songbirds to serenade, I am surrounded by nature's music.  Just another glorious day "at the office"!  Painting number 2318 in 2318 days.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Wine for Two

Although I rarely get the chance, I love to paint en plein air at night.  This table set for two, complete with wine and glasses made the perfect subject for a nocturne painting.  I start with a dark panel, and begin by laying in the light masses where I find them.  Trying to pay attention to the temperature of that light is trickier when done in low light.  I do not like artificial light for night painting, so I use a porch light to see what I can on my palette and panel.  I never truly know what I have until I view the painting in the light of tre next day!  Painting number 2317 in 2317 days.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Cloudscape in May

The skies are a constant source of inspiration, especially with so many color variations.  Needing a few larger pieces for upcoming shows, I am working on a 16x20 panel.  After blocking in the masses, I start laying in those loose strokes of color as they reflected from ground and sky.  I'm not sure this one is finished, but I will let it rest until tomorrow.  Fresh eyes are always clear eyes!  Painting number 2317 in 2317 days.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Graham Tyler Chapel ATC

On this one I am working in miniature with my favorite TWSBI Diamond Mini fountain pen and my travel sets of Watercolor Confection half pans.  Each time I'm in Parkville, this chapel is one of the first things I see on entering the town. Love the historic character and lines of this beautiful building - and once or twice I've heard the sound of bagpipes usher from it's halls as I painted.  Now, that is amazing!  Painting number 2317 in 2317 days.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Balducci's Inked

I first sketched out my composition with pen and ink on my favorite cotton rag paper, and started the lines on my panel with paint.  The atmosphere grew heavy and a few raindrops hit my panel.  I dropped everything to go frame this little gem and turn it in.  One other time, I had an ink drawing completely bleed into a blackish mess on a rainy day - even though it was under cover!  Forgetting to take a photo in my rush, I was happy to find this one.  This drawing has a new home!  Painting number 2316 in 2316 days.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Sunflower Hill Farm from the Pond

I had heard this was a wonderful place to visit, but I was unprepared for the sweeping view across the landscape.  After completing one drawing from a lower vantage, I moved up to the pond to start this one.  The sun was dropping and the mosquitoes were rising like a cloud around me within 2 minutes!  In search of more big spray, Peggy offered her Bug Out jacket for me to use.  It is amazing!  Not one bite did I get and they were all around me!  This jacket allowed me to finish and this drawing has a new home with the family that owns this place!  Painting number 2315 in 2315 days.

Monday, May 6, 2019

A Day for Lingering

The Robin's Nest on the Katy Trail is one of my favorite places to paint!  The colors and vintage charm pull at my heart strings, begging to be painted.  Today, I set up in the back near the Katy Trail with several other artists.  Our paint out is here, and we start the day with gourmet donuts!  After painting and shopping in this fabulous shop we're treated to tortilla soup, margaritas and gooey butter cake!  It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it!  Painting number 2314 in 2314 days.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Path to the Garden

Frisella Nursery hosts an artist breakfast each year for the Augusta Plein Air Festival. I look forward to painting the garden, and this day it was popping with blooms!  As I worked, friends from previous years stopped in to visit, and one decided to buy this little gem before I could hang it at the pop-up gallery!  Have I mentioned how much I love plein air?  Painting number 2313 in 2313 days.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Lingering on Locust Street

Now Showing at Gallery Augusta
purchase here
Tonight's paint out was anywhere within Augusta city limits.  Loving the view on Locust, I set up and started drawing.  I have run out of my larger papers, so had picked up a watercolor paper to fit a couple of new frames I bought (I was also out of ink frames).  The smooth surface drove me crazy, and the resistance to the water was also hard to navigate.  I will not be using this paper again, unless I cut it up for ATC work!  Painting number 2312 in 2312 days.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Vineyard Barn

I look forward to the sunset paint at Balducci's Vineyard every year.  The challenge is to find an angle and view I haven't painted before.  Looking for something more dramatic, I chose this vantage with the sweeping road down past the tent.  So happy the rain held off until I had turned this one in!  Painting number 2311 in 2311 days.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Sunflower Hill Farm

This composition grabbed me as soon as I stepped out of the car.  After scouting the grounds, I returned here to sketch.  I fully intended to then paint this in oils, but the ink rendering has a drama that leaves me fulfilled. So, I went out and drew this scene from another angle, and it sold, too!  Painting number 2310 in 2310 days.