
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Oriole in the Plum Tree

Oriole in the Plum Tree
6x7, pen and ink on paper
Today finds me pulling out the Pitt pens and sketching the birds.  I have a purple leafed plum tree in the side yard which produces some wonderful fruit, and makes for my subject today.  I have not kept up with my ink drawing as I intended in January, so perhaps now I can make up for lost time. I really do enjoy playing in the ink!  Painting number 1274 in 1274 days.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cedar Waxwing in Ink

While visiting with my parents, I have my pen and ink in hand.  After having the family over all day, I am settling into the relaxing rhythm of drawing.  This very natural act quiets the mind, and let's the hand just take over, the pen is merely an extension of that.  I started this sketch journal, hoping to draw every day, and I have fallen short of that lofty goal.  But that's okay, just starting it has kept me coming back.  Which is more pen and ink than I have ever done, and I have found that I love it!   I am getting Michaela started with her own sketch supplies - and her favorite pen is also mine!   The Pitt pen - superfine.  Like mother, like daughter.  Painting number.....1274.   I have to catch up on my posts the next time I have good Internet connection.   So much for everyone in America having Internet :(
Cedar Waxwing in Ink
Pen and ink on paper, 6x7
purchase here

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hydrangea on the Lawn

Hydrangeas on the Lawn
Oil on panel, 6x6
The sweeping expanse of lawn beckoned to me as I painted these hydrangea earlier.  I had to return, to paint the more complete view!  The light and the cool weather made this a thoroughly enjoyable experience, and I think that reflects in the painting.  I can always recall the day in detail, whenever I look back at my plein air paintings.  Each day is a gift, and one I would like to share.  Painting number 1270 in 1270 days :)

Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Day at Park Place

Today was my first plein air outing with the local Art Mob group.  I heard about them from an artist friend, got on the email list, and showed up at Park Place with my daughter and another artist to share in the fun.  Once a month, on fourth Thursdays, they meet at a different location, paint for two hours, then have lunch and show their paintings.  We left ours in the trunk, since they were oils and we had to park in the parking garage,  but next time I'll be prepared.  I have a Panel Pak that will be perfect for toting wet paintings, even in a purse.  It sure was fun to meet some new art friends and paint a cityscape!   That sure is something I need to do more of!  Painting number 1268 in a 1268 days.
A Day at Park Place
Oil on panel, 8x10
purchase here

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Daylilies in the Garden

These blooms are normally at their best for the fourth of July, but with this extreme heat - they are fading fast!  This bed is in front of the house, and the daylilies are earlier than normal on the south side.  The others spread around the garden, and have only begun to bloom.  I am hoping it will cool back off to normal, and the lilies will share their glory to the end of July.  These beauties came from Grandma Bessie's garden,  and always remind me of times spent with her, working in her flowers.  This painting is number 1267 in a 1267 days.
Daylilies in the Garden
Oil on panel, 6x6
purchase here

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hydrangeas by the Wooded Path

Do you ever feel guilty for painting?   I do.  Sometimes,  I even sneak away to paint a landscape en plein air,  without telling anyone.  I always feel like I must have all chores done....housework, laundry, dishes clean, before I can lift a brush, which is why I am sometimes painting in the wee hours.  Do my male counterparts feel this way?  I doubt it.  Even when I've completed all this work, I still feel like painting is my guilty pleasure. Well, this secret rendezvous with my easel took place at the Overland Park arboretum for the Sketch Crawl, and is my 1267th painting in 1267 days.
Hydrangeas by the Wooded Path
Oil on panel, 10x8
purchase here

Monday, June 20, 2016

Light in the Woods

After talking to an artist friend of mine at last weekend's art reception, I started this painting out with a sketch in alizarin crimson.  From this unusual start, I filled in the light.  Then the rest came together, but I tried to keep that wonderful hue active in the darks.  I spent hours over the weekend pruning and weeding this area, and it has called me to paint it!  Thanks to Carole McCall for sharing her technique with me!  So fun to try new things!   Painting number 1265 in 1265 days.
Light in the Woods
Oil on panel, 7x5
purchase here

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Daylily Dance

What a busy day!!  Pilates, running, shopping, painting class, housework, so much weeding(!), and squeezing in a painting - totally filled my day!  I hoped to get another painting in, but I've simply run out of time.  The daylilies are beautiful right now - and they always remind me of my grandmas!  Some of my starts were from Grandma Frank, some from Grandma Bessie, and still others from other friends, and each year when they rise and bloom, I think of them again.  I love how flowers in my garden bring back so many wonderful memories.   Painting number 1264 in 1264 days. 
Daylily Dance
Oil on panel, 7x5
purchase here

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Fading Light at the Creek

Creeks are one of my favorite things to paint.  Especially, those with a wonderful twist as they move into the foreground.  We've had so much rain that the fields are very green.  I've lately added permanent green light to my palette, and it is really coming in handy.  It is an old tube from who knows where, but a good one to mix with various yellows.  I almost never use a color straight from the tube.  I will add whatever is needed to match it to the scene before me.  I used to mix all my greens, as I used a very limited palette.  I now prefer the convenience of tube greens to warm or cool as needed.  One favorites is cad yellow added to black.  It makes a fabulous olive green that is especially nice in the foreground. This painting makes 1262 in 1262 days.
Fading Light at the Creek
Oil on panel, 6x6
purchase here

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sunset Song

I am playing with color today,  and introducing a few warm hues into the deep shadows.  The sunset colors are always a challenge, they are simply to fleeting.  I have heard the sunsets last so much longer up north, I wish I had some of that time!   It is easier to paint the early light of morning,  I don't seem to run out of time like I do at night.   Perhaps, I am starting too late into the color shift.  Practice makes perfect, so more practice is in order!   Painting number 1261 in 1261 days.
Sunset Song
Oil on panel, 7x5
purchase here

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Blue Hydrangea

Another long day spent working in the flower beds - until I was chased inside by some invisible little biters in the evening!   Time to take up my brushes and paint!   So, the blue hydrangea is today's focus.  I love these blooms and add a different variety each year.  They do remind me of Door County - where I've seen the largest blooms ever!  I used mainly a brush for this small painting, finishing it off with my catalyst - which I found in my brush holder for my french easel!   So glad it's not lost!   When I took the photo of the painting on the easel, it struck me that this whole scene would make a lovely painting!   Perhaps, I'll tackle it tomorrow!   Painting number 1260 in 1260 days.
Blue Hydrangea
Oil on panel, 7x5
purchase here

Monday, June 13, 2016

Twisting Creek

We got both of our male dogs neutered on Friday, and our red lab has been especially needy.  He will hardly let me paint!   When I stop moving, it is a signal to him to paw me, cling to me and get his paws up on my easel and into my paint!  I can't count the times that I barely saved my wet brushes from his mouth!  I finished near dark, and I'll check this tomorrow to see if I really am done!  Some days it really is hard to get a painting in!!  Painting number 1259 in 1259 days.
Twisting Creek
Oil on panel, 6x6
purchase here

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Rose Dance

I've lately had an internet connectivity issue, and posts are not posting.  I hope to resolve the issue sometime this week, which means going elsewhere to get my ducks in a row.  For tonight, I settled in front of the roses for a quick paint, just before the light was off of them. I've spent so much time in the garden lately, that paintings call to me from all corners. If only I had more time for putting them down on panels!  My windows of time have been so small!  This painting is number 1258 in 1258 days.
Rose Dance
Oil on panel, 6x6
purchase here

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Bloomstruck Hydrangea

I bought the most amazing hydrangeas a few days ago, and I finally got them in the ground today.  And then I painted them!  After working in the yard most of the day, it was almost dark when I started painting.  I have been waiting for the golden hour each day to find my subject matter, which leaves me very little time to execute it!  Oh well, I've got to make hay while the sun shines!   This is painting number 1255 in 1255 days.
Bloomstruck Hydrangea
Oil on panel, 6x6
purchase here

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Water Lilies

Water Lilies
Oil on panel, 14x11
purchase here
This is the second painting of the Stems event that I began with a dark primed panel, as in one I would normally use for nocturnes. In such a dark scene, I think it may easier to simply work towards the light.  In the case of this painting, I had the grandsons with me - and I was VERY distracted with the whole "boys being boys" thing! By the time Michaela finished her painting and took the boys to play by the train garden, I was nearing completion.  It took me twice as long to finish this painting as it should have.  To get the boys used to this whole "plein air" thing, we are now scheduling family plein air days.  This painting is the 1254th in 1254 days.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Water Lily in June

As I worked in the flower beds around the pool, I wondered what I would paint today.  My abundant perennials are so quickly out of control,  that I really have my work cut out for me.  There was some fabulous peachy light streaming in from the west during the golden hour,  but I was just a little too late to capture it.  So, coming to my easel late, I am using reference from the arboretum for tonight's painting, and playing with my palette knife.  I need to find my catalyst, as I prefer it......I hope I didn't lose it in the field last week!   Painting number 1253 in a 1253 days :)
Water Lily in June
Oil on panel, 6x6
purchase here

Monday, June 6, 2016

Fleeting Light

Fleeting Light
Oil on panel, 10x8
purchase here
Mondays are extremely busy,  and I had not yet given any thought towards my daily painting.   The house quieted down, the daily chores finished, and I jumped into the shower to unwind a bit.  Once done, I walked out to see the most amazing color in the sky!  With wet hair piled high, I grabbed my palette from the freezer and walked out barefoot on the balcony to capture this fleeting beauty!  Color like this only lasts for minutes, so I worked very quickly.  This photo was taken in very little light, and it was almost dark when I cleaned my brushes.   What a gift to have such a lovely cloudscape dropped in my lap!  Painting number 1252 in 1252 days :)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Path to the Lake

What a beautiful day for an art fair!   The Overland Park arboretum hosted the fair today to showcase the plein air work of this year's Stems event.  My tent had a clear view of the path leading to Margaret's Pond, so I set my easel up to paint.  I really enjoy visiting while I work, the time passes quickly.  What could be better than being surrounded by the peaceful beauty of the arboretum?  I wish I had brought another panel to paint on!  Painting number 1251 in 1251 days.
Path to the Lake
Oil on panel, 12x9
purchase here

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Dawn in the Garden

Dawn in the Garden
Oil on panel, 12x9
purchase here
Saturday morning's quick paint was held at the Deanna Rose farm.  I have always headed over to the original part of the park, where my children loved to go.  Right next to the goats is this lovely garden, complete with white picket fence, trellis and arbor!  I am always drawn to it,  and I think I've painted here every year for the early morning quick paint.  This morning was very dark, with rain threatening, and when the light did break through, there was a beautiful illumination through the garden.  What a wonderful way to start the day!   My daughter also attended, and painted just a few feet from me.  It is her first quick paint ever!  What fun to have her with me - something we can share while she's home from college.  This is painting number 1248 in 1248 days.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Into the Arbor Garden

Into the Arbor Garden
Oil on panel, 12x9
Stems Plein Air Event
purchase here
I've been painting in these gardens for years,  but I have never painted it from this view.  Nestled into the shaded cubby where the lily pond trickles down the stones, I found a very comfortable spot to set up.   Breezes were mild, and the temperature was perfect on this overcast day.  Several times I checked my radar, just to be sure the clouds were not going to open up on me!  Michaela has been painting with me each day since Thursday,  and it has been a treat to see what she creates!  She is fast, and has a very natural ability to capture the landscape in oils.  Her values are good from the start,  something so many of us take years to get right.  I hope she can fit these events in whenever she's on break from college!   Maybe I can get her to accompany me daily all summer!  Painting number 1247 in 1247 days.